string addcslashes ( string str, string charlist)| String entre aspas com barras no estilo C
string addslashes ( string str)| String entre aspas com barras
void aggregate ( object object, string class_name)| dynamic class and object aggregation of methods and properties
array aggregate_info ( object object)| returns an associative array of the methods and properties from each class that has been aggregated to the object.
void aggregate_methods ( object object, string class_name)| dynamic class and object aggregation of methods
void aggregate_methods_by_list ( object object, string class_name, array methods_list [, bool exclude])| selective dynamic class methods aggregation to an object
void aggregate_methods_by_regexp ( object object, string class_name, string regexp [, bool exclude])| selective class methods aggregation to an object using a regular expression
void aggregate_properties ( object object, string class_name)| dynamic aggregation of class properties to an object
void aggregate_properties_by_list ( object object, string class_name, array properties_list [, bool exclude])| selective dynamic class properties aggregation to an object
void aggregate_properties_by_regexp ( object object, string class_name, string regexp [, bool exclude])| selective class properties aggregation to an object using a regular expression
bool apache_child_terminate ( void )| Finaliza o processo Apache depois da requisiτπo
object apache_lookup_uri ( string filename)| Realiza uma requisiτπo parcial para a URI especificada e retorna todas as informaτ⌡es sobre ela
string apache_note ( string note_name [, string note_value])| ObtΘm e seta notas de requisiτπo
array apache_request_headers ( void )| Obtem todos os headers HTTP
array apache_response_headers ( void )| ObtΩm todos os headers da resposta HTTP
int apache_setenv ( string variable, string value [, bool walk_to_top])| Configura uma varißvel no ambiente do sub processo Apache
array array ( [mixed ...])| Cria um array
array array_change_key_case ( array input [, int case])| Retorna um array com todas as chaves string em mai·sculo ou min·sculo
array array_chunk ( array input, int size [, bool preserve_keys])| Divide um array em pedaτos
array array_combine ( array keys, array values)| Creates an array by using one array for keys and another for its values
array array_count_values ( array input)| Conta as frequΩncias de cada valor de um array
array array_diff ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...])| Analisa as diferenτas entre arrays
array array_diff_assoc ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...])| Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check
array array_fill ( int start_index, int num, mixed value)| Preenche um array com valores
array array_filter ( array input [, mixed callback])| Filtra os elementos de um array utilizando uma funτπo
array array_flip ( array trans)| Inverte as relaτ⌡es entre chaves e valores
array array_intersect ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...])| Calcula a interseτπo entre arrays
array array_intersect_assoc ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...])| Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check
bool array_key_exists ( mixed key, array search)| Checa se uma chave ou φndice existe em um array
array array_keys ( array input [, mixed search_value])| Retorna todas as chaves de um array
array array_map ( mixed callback, array arr1 [, array arr2...])| Aplica uma funτπo em todos os elementos dos arrays dados
array array_merge ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...])| Funde dois ou mais arrays
array array_merge_recursive ( array array1, array array2 [, array ...])| Funde dois ou mais arrays recursivamente
bool array_multisort ( array ar1 [, mixed arg [, mixed ... [, array ...]]])| Ordena m·ltiplos arrays ou arrays multi-dimensionais
array array_pad ( array input, int pad_size, mixed pad_value)| Expande um array para um certo comprimento utilizando um determinado valor
mixed array_pop ( array array)| Retira um elemento do final do array
int array_push ( array array, mixed var [, mixed ...])| Adiciona um ou mais elementos no final de um array
mixed array_rand ( array input [, int num_req])| Retorna um ou mais elementos aleat≤rios de um array
mixed array_reduce ( array input, mixed callback [, int initial])| Reduz um array para um ·nico valor atravΘs de um processo iterativo utilizando uma funτπo.
array array_reverse ( array array [, bool preserve_keys])| Retorna um array com os elementos na ordem inversa
mixed array_search ( mixed needle, array haystack [, bool strict])| Procura por um valor em um array e retorna sua chave correspondente caso seja encontrado
mixed array_shift ( array array)| Retira o primeiro elemento de um array
array array_slice ( array array, int offset [, int length])| Extrai uma parcela de um array
array array_splice ( array input, int offset [, int length [, array replacement]])| Remove uma parcela do array e substitui com outros elementos
mixed array_sum ( array arr)| Calcula a soma dos elementos de um array
array array_unique ( array array)| Remove o valores duplicados de um array
int array_unshift ( array array, mixed var [, mixed ...])| Adiciona um ou mais elementos no inφcio de um array
array array_values ( array input)| Retorna todos os valores de um array
int array_walk ( array arr, string func [, mixed userdata])| Aplica uma determinada funcπo em cada elemento de um array
void arsort ( array array [, int sort_flags])| Ordena um array em ordem descrescente mantendo a associaτπo entre φndices e valores
int ascii2ebcdic ( string ascii_str)| Converte uma string de ASCII para EBCDIC
float asin ( float arg)| Seno Inverso (arco seno)
float asinh ( float arg)| Seno Hiperb≤lico Inverso
void asort ( array array [, int sort_flags])| Ordena um array mantendo a associaτπo entre φndices e valores
bool aspell_check ( int dictionary_link, string word)| Check a word [deprecated]
bool aspell_check_raw ( int dictionary_link, string word)| Check a word without changing its case or trying to trim it [deprecated]
int aspell_new ( string master [, string personal])| Load a new dictionary [deprecated]
array aspell_suggest ( int dictionary_link, string word)| Suggest spellings of a word [deprecated]
int assert ( mixed assertion)| Checks if assertion is FALSE
mixed assert_options ( int what [, mixed value])| Set/get the various assert flags
float atan ( float arg)| Tangente Inversa (arco tangente)
float atan2 ( float y, float x)| Tangente inversa de duas varißveis
string base64_decode ( string encoded_data)| Decodifica dados codificados com MIME base64
string base64_encode ( string dados)| Codifica dados com MIME base64
string base_convert ( string number, int frombase, int tobase)| Converte um n·mero entre bases arbitrßrias
string basename ( string path [, string sufixo])| Retorna a parte nome do arquivo do caminho/path
string bcadd ( string operador_da_esquerda, string operador_da_direita [, int escala])| Adicionar dois n·meros de precisπo arbitrßria
int bccomp ( string operador_da_esquerda, string operador_da_direita [, int escala])| Comparar dois n·meros de precisπo arbitrßria
string bcdiv ( string operador_da_esquerda, string operador_da_direita [, int escala])| Dividir dois n·meros de precisπo arbitrßria
string bcmod ( string operador_da_esquerda, string modulo)| Obter o m≤dulo de um n·mero com precisπo arbitrßria
string bcmul ( string operador_da_esquerda, string operador_da_direita [, int escala])| Multiplicar dois n·meros de precisπo arbitrßria
string bcpow ( string x, int y [, int escala])| Elevar um n·mero de precisπo arbitrßria a outro
string bcpowmod ( string x, string y, string modulus [, int scale])| Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus.
string bcscale ( int escala)| Configura o paramentro escala para todas as funτ⌡es bc
string bcsqrt ( string operador [, int scale])| Obter a raiz quadrada de um n·mero de precisπo arbitrßria
string bcsub ( string operador_da_esquerda, string operador_da_direita [, int escala])| Subtrair um n·mero de precisπo arbitrßria de outro
string bin2hex ( string str)| Converte um dado binßrio em hexadecimal
string bind_textdomain_codeset ( string domφnio, string codificaτπo)| Define qual caracter de codificaτπo serß retornado pelas mensagens do catßlogo do DOM═NIO especificado.
int bindec ( string binary_string)| Binßrio para decimal
string bindtextdomain ( string domφnio, string diret≤rio)| Configura o caminho para um domφnio
int bzclose ( resource bz)| Fecha um ponteiro de arquivo bzip2
string bzcompress ( string source [, int blocksize [, int workfactor]])| Comprime uma string em dados no formato bzip2
string bzdecompress ( string source [, int small])| Descomprime dados no formato bzip2
int bzerrno ( resource bz)| Retorna um n·mero de erro do bzip2
array bzerror ( resource bz)| Retorna o n·mero e string de erro do bzip2 como um array
string bzerrstr ( resource bz)| Retorna a string de erro do bzip2
int bzflush ( resource bz)| Forτa a escrita de todos os dados que estπo no buffer
resource bzopen ( string filename, string mode)| Abre um arquivo comprimido com bzip2
string bzread ( resource bz [, int length])| Leitura binary-safe de um arquivo bzip2
int bzwrite ( resource bz, string data [, int length])| Escrita binary-safe em um arquivo bzip2
int cal_days_in_month ( int calendar, int month, int year)| Return the number of days in a month for a given year and calendar
array cal_from_jd ( int jd, int calendar)| Converts from Julian Day Count to a supported calendar
array cal_info ( [int calendar])| Returns information about a particular calendar
int cal_to_jd ( int calendar, int month, int day, int year)| Converts from a supported calendar to Julian Day Count
mixed call_user_func ( callback function [, mixed parameter [, mixed ...]])| Call a user function given by the first parameter
mixed call_user_func_array ( callback function [, array paramarr])| Call a user function given with an array of parameters
mixed call_user_method ( string method_name, object obj [, mixed parameter [, mixed ...]])| Chama um mΘtodo de usußrio num objeto especφfico [obsoleto]
mixed call_user_method_array ( string method_name, object obj [, array paramarr])| Chama mΘtodos de usußrio dado uma matriz de parΓmetros [obsoleto]
string ccvs_add ( string session, string invoice, string argtype, string argval)| Add data to a transaction
string ccvs_auth ( string session, string invoice)| Perform credit authorization test on a transaction
string ccvs_command ( string session, string type, string argval)| Performs a command which is peculiar to a single protocol, and thus is not available in the general CCVS API
int ccvs_count ( string session, string type)| Find out how many transactions of a given type are stored in the system
string ccvs_delete ( string session, string invoice)| Delete a transaction
string ccvs_done ( string sess)| Terminate CCVS engine and do cleanup work
string ccvs_init ( string name)| Initialize CCVS for use
string ccvs_lookup ( string session, string invoice, int inum)| Look up an item of a particular type in the database #
void cpdf_add_outline ( int pdf_document, string text)| Adds bookmark for current page
void cpdf_arc ( int pdf_document, float x-coor, float y-coor, float radius, float start, float end [, int mode])| Draws an arc
void cpdf_begin_text ( int pdf_document)| Starts text section
void cpdf_circle ( int pdf_document, float x-coor, float y-coor, float radius [, int mode])| Draw a circle
void cpdf_clip ( int pdf_document)| Clips to current path
void cpdf_close ( int pdf_document)| Closes the pdf document
void cpdf_closepath ( int pdf_document)| Close path
void cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke ( int pdf_document)| Close, fill and stroke current path
void cpdf_closepath_stroke ( int pdf_document)| Close path and draw line along path
void cpdf_continue_text ( int pdf_document, string text)| Output text in next line
void cpdf_curveto ( int pdf_document, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3 [, int mode])| Draws a curve
void cpdf_end_text ( int pdf_document)| Ends text section
void cpdf_fill ( int pdf_document)| Fill current path
void cpdf_fill_stroke ( int pdf_document)| Fill and stroke current path
void cpdf_finalize ( int pdf_document)| Ends document
void cpdf_finalize_page ( int pdf_document, int page_number)| Ends page
void cpdf_global_set_document_limits ( int maxpages, int maxfonts, int maximages, int maxannotations, int maxobjects)| Sets document limits for any pdf document
int cpdf_import_jpeg ( int pdf_document, string file_name, float x-coor, float y-coor, float angle, float width, float height, float x-scale, float y-scale [, int mode])| Opens a JPEG image
void cpdf_lineto ( int pdf_document, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode])| Draws a line
void cpdf_moveto ( int pdf_document, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode])| Sets current point
void cpdf_newpath ( int pdf_document)| Starts a new path
int cpdf_open ( int compression [, string filename])| Opens a new pdf document
void cpdf_output_buffer ( int pdf_document)| Outputs the pdf document in memory buffer
void cpdf_page_init ( int pdf_document, int page_number, int orientation, float height, float width [, float unit])| Starts new page
void cpdf_place_inline_image ( int pdf_document, int image, float x-coor, float y-coor, float angle, float width, float height [, int mode])| Places an image on the page
void cpdf_rect ( int pdf_document, float x-coor, float y-coor, float width, float height [, int mode])| Draw a rectangle
void cpdf_restore ( int pdf_document)| Restores formerly saved environment
void cpdf_rlineto ( int pdf_document, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode])| Draws a line
void cpdf_rmoveto ( int pdf_document, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode])| Sets current point
void cpdf_rotate ( int pdf_document, float angle)| Sets rotation
void cpdf_rotate_text ( int pdfdoc, float angle)| Sets text rotation angle
void cpdf_save ( int pdf_document)| Saves current environment
void cpdf_save_to_file ( int pdf_document, string filename)| Writes the pdf document into a file
void cpdf_setflat ( int pdf_document, float value)| Sets flatness
void cpdf_setgray ( int pdf_document, float gray_value)| Sets drawing and filling color to gray value
void cpdf_setgray_fill ( int pdf_document, float value)| Sets filling color to gray value
void cpdf_setgray_stroke ( int pdf_document, float gray_value)| Sets drawing color to gray value
void cpdf_setlinecap ( int pdf_document, int value)| Sets linecap parameter
void cpdf_setlinejoin ( int pdf_document, int value)| Sets linejoin parameter
void cpdf_setlinewidth ( int pdf_document, float width)| Sets line width
void cpdf_setmiterlimit ( int pdf_document, float value)| Sets miter limit
void cpdf_setrgbcolor ( int pdf_document, float red_value, float green_value, float blue_value)| Sets drawing and filling color to rgb color value
void cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill ( int pdf_document, float red_value, float green_value, float blue_value)| Sets filling color to rgb color value
void cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke ( int pdf_document, float red_value, float green_value, float blue_value)| Sets drawing color to rgb color value
void cpdf_show ( int pdf_document, string text)| Output text at current position
void cpdf_show_xy ( int pdf_document, string text, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode])| Output text at position
float cpdf_stringwidth ( int pdf_document, string text)| Returns width of text in current font
void cpdf_stroke ( int pdf_document)| Draw line along path
void cpdf_text ( int pdf_document, string text, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode [, float orientation [, int alignmode]]])| Output text with parameters
void cpdf_translate ( int pdf_document, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode])| Sets origin of coordinate system
bool crack_check ( [resource dictionary, string password])| Performs an obscure check with the given password
bool crack_closedict ( [resource dictionary])| Closes an open CrackLib dictionary
string crack_getlastmessage ( void )| Returns the message from the last obscure check
resource crack_opendict ( string dictionary)| Opens a new CrackLib dictionary
int crc32 ( string str)| Calcula polin⌠mio crc32 de uma string
string create_function ( string args, string code)| Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function
string crypt ( string str [, string salt])| ┌nico caminho de codificaτπo de string (hashing)
bool ctype_alnum ( string text)| Check for alphanumeric character(s)
bool ctype_alpha ( string text)| Check for alphabetic character(s)
bool ctype_cntrl ( string text)| Check for control character(s)
bool ctype_digit ( string text)| Check for numeric character(s)
bool ctype_graph ( string text)| Check for any printable character(s) except space
bool ctype_lower ( string text)| Check for lowercase character(s)
bool ctype_print ( string text)| Check for printable character(s)
bool ctype_punct ( string text)| Check for any printable character which is not whitespace or an alphanumeric character
bool ctype_space ( string text)| Check for whitespace character(s)
bool ctype_upper ( string text)| Check for uppercase character(s)
bool ctype_xdigit ( string text)| Check for character(s) representing a hexadecimal digit
void curl_close ( resource ch)| Close a CURL session
int curl_errno ( resource ch)| Return the last error number
string curl_error ( resource ch)| Return a string containing the last error for the current session
bool curl_exec ( resource ch)| Perform a CURL session
string curl_getinfo ( resource ch [, int opt])| Get information regarding a specific transfer
resource curl_init ( [string url])| Initialize a CURL session
int curl_multi_add_handle ( resource mh, resource ch)| Add a normal cURL handle to a cURL multi handle
void curl_multi_close ( resource mh)| Close a set of cURL handles
int curl_multi_exec ( resource mh)| Run the sub-connections of the current cURL handle
string curl_multi_getcontent ( resource ch)| Return the content of a cURL handle if CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is set
array curl_multi_info_read ( resource mh)| Get information about the current transfers
resource curl_multi_init ( void )| Returns a new cURL multi handle
int curl_multi_remove_handle ( resource mh, resource ch)| Remove a multi handle from a set of cURL handles
int curl_multi_select ( resource mh [, float timeout])| Get all the sockets associated with the cURL extension, which can then be "selected"
bool curl_setopt ( resource ch, string option, mixed value)| Set an option for a CURL transfer
string curl_version ( void )| Return the current CURL version
mixed current ( array array)| Retorna o elemento corrente em um array
string cybercash_base64_decode ( string inbuff)| base64 decode data for Cybercash
string cybercash_base64_encode ( string inbuff)| base64 encode data for Cybercash
bool cyrus_authenticate ( resource connection [, string mechlist [, string service [, string user [, int minssf [, int maxssf]]]]])| Authenticate against a Cyrus IMAP server
bool cyrus_bind ( resource connection, array callbacks)| Bind callbacks to a Cyrus IMAP connection
bool cyrus_close ( resource connection)| Close connection to a Cyrus IMAP server
resource cyrus_connect ( [string host [, string port [, int flags]]])| Connect to a Cyrus IMAP server
bool cyrus_query ( resource connection, string query)| Send a query to a Cyrus IMAP server
int dbplus_tcl ( int sid, string script)| Execute TCL code on server side
int dbplus_tremove ( resource relation, array tuple [, array current])| Remove tuple and return new current tuple
int dbplus_undo ( resource relation)| ???
int dbplus_undoprepare ( resource relation)| ???
int dbplus_unlockrel ( resource relation)| Give up write lock on relation
int dbplus_unselect ( resource relation)| Remove a constraint from relation
int dbplus_update ( resource relation, array old, array new)| Update specified tuple in relation
int dbplus_xlockrel ( resource relation)| Request exclusive lock on relation
int dbplus_xunlockrel ( resource relation)| Free exclusive lock on relation
bool dbx_close ( object link_identifier)| Close an open connection/database
int dbx_compare ( array row_a, array row_b, string column_key [, int flags])| Compare two rows for sorting purposes
object dbx_connect ( mixed module, string host, string database, string username, string password [, int persistent])| Open a connection/database
string dbx_error ( object link_identifier)| Report the error message of the latest function call in the module (not just in the connection)
string dbx_escape_string ( object link_identifier, string text)| Escape a string so it can safely be used in an sql-statement.
object dbx_query ( object link_identifier, string sql_statement [, long flags])| Send a query and fetch all results (if any)
bool dbx_sort ( object result, string user_compare_function)| Sort a result from a dbx_query by a custom sort function
string dcgettext ( string domφnio, string mensagem, int categoria)| Substitui o domφnio por um lookup
string dcngettext ( string domφnio, string msgid1, string msgid2, int n, int categoria)| O mesmo que dcgettext, porΘm permite que vocΩ especifique mais de uma mensagem
void deaggregate ( object object [, string class_name])| Removes the aggregated methods and properties from an object
array debug_backtrace ( void )| Generates a backtrace
void debug_print_backtrace ( void )| Prints a backtrace
string dechex ( int numero)| Decimal para hexadecimal
string decoct ( int numero)| Decimal para octal
bool define ( string name, mixed value [, bool case_insensitive])| Define uma constante.
void define_syslog_variables ( void )| Initializes all syslog related constants
bool defined ( string name)| Confere se uma constante existe
float deg2rad ( float numero)| Converte o n·mero em graus ao equivalente em radianos
void delete ( string file)| Veja unlink() ou unset()
string dgettext ( string domφnio, string mensagem)| Sobreescreve o domφnio atual
void dio_close ( resource fd)| Closes the file descriptor given by fd
mixed dio_fcntl ( resource fd, int cmd [, mixed arg])| Performs a c library fcntl on fd
resource dio_open ( string filename, int flags [, int mode])| Opens a new filename with specified permissions of flags and creation permissions of mode
string dio_read ( resource fd [, int n])| Reads n bytes from fd and returns them, if n is not specified, reads 1k block
int dio_seek ( resource fd, int pos, int whence)| Seeks to pos on fd from whence
array dio_stat ( resource fd)| Gets stat information about the file descriptor fd
void dio_tcsetattr ( resource fd, array options)| Sets terminal attributes and baud rate for a serial port
bool dio_truncate ( resource fd, int offset)| Truncates file descriptor fd to offset bytes
int dio_write ( resource fd, string data [, int len])| Writes data to fd with optional truncation at length
string dirname ( string path)| Retorna o componente diret≤rio de um caminho/path
float disk_free_space ( string diretorio)| Retorna o espaτo disponivel no diret≤rio
float disk_total_space ( string diretorio)| Retorna o tamanho total do diret≤rio
int dl ( string library)| Loads a PHP extension at runtime
string dngettext ( string domφnio, string msgid1, string msgid2, int n)| O mesmo que dgettext, porΘm vocΩ pode escrever mais de uma mensagem
int dns_check_record ( string host [, string type])| Synonym for checkdnsrr()
int dns_get_mx ( string hostname, array mxhosts [, array &weight])| Synonym for getmxrr()
array dns_get_record ( string hostname [, int type [, array &authns, array &addtl]])| Fetch DNS Resource Records associated with a hostname
object domxml_new_doc ( string version)| Creates new empty XML document
object domxml_open_file ( string filename)| Creates a DOM object from XML file
object domxml_open_mem ( string str)| Creates a DOM object of an XML document
string domxml_version ( void )| Get XML library version
object domxml_xmltree ( string str)| Creates a tree of PHP objects from an XML document
object domxml_xslt_stylesheet ( string xsl document)| Creates a DomXsltStylesheet Object from a xml document in a string.
object domxml_xslt_stylesheet_doc ( object DocDocument Object)| Creates a DomXsltStylesheet Object from a DomDocument Object.
object domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file ( string xsl file)| Creates a DomXsltStylesheet Object from a xsl document in a file.
int dotnet_load ( string assembly_name [, string datatype_name [, int codepage]])| Loads a DOTNET module
array each ( array array)| Retorna o par chave/valor corrente de um array e avanτa o seu cursor
int easter_date ( [int year])| Get UNIX timestamp for midnight on Easter of a given year
int easter_days ( [int year [, int method]])| Get number of days after March 21 on which Easter falls for a given year
int ebcdic2ascii ( string ebcdic_str)| Converte uma string de EBCDIC para ASCII
void echo ( string arg1 [, string argn...])| Exibe uma ou mais strings
bool empty ( mixed var)| Determine whether a variable is empty
mixed end ( array array)| Faz o ponteiro interno de um array apontar para o seu ·ltimo elemento
mixed eval ( string code_str)| Executa uma string como c≤digo PHP
string exec ( string command [, array output [, int return_var]])| Execute an external program
int exif_imagetype ( string filename)| Determine the type of an image
array exif_read_data ( string filename [, string sections [, bool arrays [, bool thumbnail]]])| Reads the EXIF headers from JPEG or TIFF. This way you can read meta data generated by digital cameras.
string exif_thumbnail ( string filename [, int &width [, int &height [, int &imagetype]]])| Retrieve the embedded thumbnail of a TIFF or JPEG image
void exit ( [string status])| Mostra uma mensagem e termina o script atual
float exp ( float arg)| Calcula o expoente de e (Neperiano ou base logarφtmica natural)
array explode ( string separator, string string [, int limit])| Divide uma string em strings
float expm1 ( float numero)| Retorna exp(numero) - 1, computado de forma que Θ preciso mesmo quando o valor do n·mero Θ perto de zero.
bool extension_loaded ( string name)| Find out whether an extension is loaded
int extract ( array var_array [, int extract_type [, string prefix]])| Importa varißveis para a tabela de sφmbolos a partir de um array
int ezmlm_hash ( string addr)| Calcula o valor do hash necessßrio para EZMLM
int fbsql_affected_rows ( [resource link_identifier])| Get number of affected rows in previous FrontBase operation
resource fbsql_change_user ( string user, string password [, string database [, resource link_identifier]])| Change logged in user of the active connection
bool fbsql_close ( [resource link_identifier])| Close FrontBase connection
bool fbsql_commit ( [resource link_identifier])| Commits a transaction to the database
resource fbsql_connect ( [string hostname [, string username [, string password]]])| Open a connection to a FrontBase Server
bool fdf_set_file ( resource fdf_document, string url [, string target_frame])| Set PDF document to display FDF data in
bool fdf_set_flags ( resource fdf_document, string fieldname, int whichFlags, int newFlags)| Sets a flag of a field
bool fdf_set_javascript_action ( resource fdf_document, string fieldname, int trigger, string script)| Sets an javascript action of a field
bool fdf_set_opt ( resource fdf_document, string fieldname, int element, string str1, string str2)| Sets an option of a field
bool fdf_set_status ( resource fdf_document, string status)| Set the value of the /STATUS key
bool fdf_set_submit_form_action ( resource fdf_document, string fieldname, int trigger, string script, int flags)| Sets a submit form action of a field
bool fdf_set_target_frame ( resource fdf_document, string frame_name)| Set target frame for form display
bool fdf_set_value ( resource fdf_document, string fieldname, mixed value [, int isName])| Set the value of a field
string fdf_set_version ( resource fdf_document, string version)| Sets version number for a FDF file
bool feof ( resource handle)| Testa pelo fim-de-arquivo (eof) em um ponteiro de arquivo
bool fflush ( resource handle)| Forτa a liberaτπo do buffer para um arquivo
string fgetc ( resource handle)| Le um caracter do ponteiro de arquivo
array fgetcsv ( resource handle, int length [, string delimiter [, string enclosure]])| Le uma linha do ponteiro de arquivos e a interpreta por campos CSV
string fgets ( resource handle [, int length])| Le uma linha de um ponteiro de arquivo
string fgetss ( resource handle, int length [, string allowable_tags])| Ler uma linha de um ponteiro de arquivo e retira as tags HTML
array file ( string filename [, int use_include_path [, int use_include_path]])| Le um arquivo inteiro para um array
bool file_exists ( string nomedoarquivo)| Checa se um arquivo ou diret≤rio existe
string file_get_contents ( string filename [, int use_include_path [, resource context]])| Le todo o conte·do de um arquivo para uma string
int file_put_contents ( string filename, string data [, int flags [, resource context]])| Write a string to a file
int fileatime ( string nomedoarquivo)| ObtΘm o ·ltimo horßrio de acesso do arquivo
int filectime ( string nomedoarquivo)| Ler o tempo de modificaτπo do inode do arquivo
int filegroup ( string nomedoarquivo)| LΩ o grupo do arquivo
int fileinode ( string nomedoarquivo)| LΩ o inode do arquivo
int filemtime ( string nomedoarquivo)| Le o tempo de modificaτπo do arquivo
int fileowner ( string nomedoarquivo)| LΩ o dono (owner) do arquivo
int fileperms ( string filename)| LΩ as permiss⌡es do arquivo
bool filepro ( string directory)| Read and verify the map file
int filepro_fieldcount ( void )| Find out how many fields are in a filePro database
string filepro_fieldname ( int field_number)| Gets the name of a field
string filepro_fieldtype ( int field_number)| Gets the type of a field
int filepro_fieldwidth ( int field_number)| Gets the width of a field
string filepro_retrieve ( int row_number, int field_number)| Retrieves data from a filePro database
int filepro_rowcount ( void )| Find out how many rows are in a filePro database
int filesize ( string nomedoarquivo)| LΩ o tamanho do arquivo
string filetype ( string nomedoarquivo)| LΩ o tipo de arquivo (file type)
float floatval ( mixed var)| Get float value of a variable
bool flock ( int handle, int operation [, int &wouldblock])| Monitor de travamento de arquivos portßtil
float floor ( float valor)| Arredonda fraτ⌡es para baixo
void flush ( void )| Flush the output buffer
float fmod ( float x, float y)| Returns the floating point remainder (modulo) of the division of the arguments
array fnmatch ( string pattern, string string [, int flags])| Verifica se um nome de arquivo bate com padrπo (wildcards)
int fopen ( string filename, string mode [, int use_include_path [, resource zcontext]])| Abri um arquivo ou uma URL
int fpassthru ( int handle)| Imprime todo os dados restantes de um ponteiro de arquivo
int fprintf ( resource handle, string format [, mixed args])| Escreve uma string formatada para um stream
string fread ( int fp, int comprimento)| Leitura binary-safe de arquivo
int frenchtojd ( int month, int day, int year)| Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count
string fribidi_log2vis ( string str, string direction, int charset)| Convert a logical string to a visual one
mixed fscanf ( resource handle, string formato [, string var1])| Interpreta a leitura de um arquivo de acordo com um formato
int fseek ( int handle, int offset [, int whence])| Procura (seeks) em um ponteiro de arquivo
int fsockopen ( string target, int port [, int errno [, string errstr [, float timeout]]])| Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection
array fstat ( resource handle)| LΩ a informaτπo sobre um arquivo usando um ponteiro de arquivo aberto
int ftell ( resource handle)| Retorna a posiτπo de leitura/gravaτπo do ponteiro do arquivo
int ftok ( string pathname, string proj)| Convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key
bool ftp_cdup ( resource ftp_stream)| Changes to the parent directory
bool ftp_chdir ( resource ftp_stream, string directory)| Changes directories on a FTP server
string ftp_chmod ( resource ftp_stream, int mode, string filename)| Set permissions on a file via FTP
void ftp_close ( resource ftp_stream)| Closes an FTP connection
resource ftp_connect ( string host [, int port [, int timeout]])| Opens an FTP connection
bool ftp_delete ( resource ftp_stream, string path)| Deletes a file on the FTP server
bool ftp_exec ( resource ftp_stream, string command)| Requests execution of a program on the FTP server
bool ftp_fget ( resource ftp_stream, resource handle, string remote_file, int mode [, int resumepos])| Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves to an open file
bool ftp_fput ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file, resource handle, int mode [, int startpos])| Uploads from an open file to the FTP server
bool ftp_get ( resource ftp_stream, string local_file, string remote_file, int mode [, int resumepos])| Downloads a file from the FTP server
mixed ftp_get_option ( resource ftp_stream, int option)| Retrieves various runtime behaviours of the current FTP stream
bool ftp_login ( resource ftp_stream, string username, string password)| Logs in to an FTP connection
int ftp_mdtm ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file)| Returns the last modified time of the given file
string ftp_mkdir ( resource ftp_stream, string directory)| Creates a directory
bool ftp_nb_continue ( resource ftp_stream)| Continues retrieving/sending a file (non-blocking)
bool ftp_nb_fget ( resource ftp_stream, resource handle, string remote_file, int mode [, int resumepos])| Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes it to an open file (non-blocking)
bool ftp_nb_fput ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file, resource handle, int mode [, int startpos])| Stores a file from an open file to the FTP server (non-blocking)
bool ftp_nb_get ( resource ftp_stream, string local_file, string remote_file, int mode [, int resumepos])| Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes it to a local file (non-blocking)
bool ftp_nb_put ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file, string local_file, int mode [, int startpos])| Stores a file on the FTP server (non-blocking)
array ftp_nlist ( resource ftp_stream, string directory)| Returns a list of files in the given directory
bool ftp_pasv ( resource ftp_stream, bool pasv)| Turns passive mode on or off
bool ftp_put ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file, string local_file, int mode [, int startpos])| Uploads a file to the FTP server
string ftp_pwd ( resource ftp_stream)| Returns the current directory name
array ftp_raw ( resource ftp_stream, string command)| Sends an arbitrary command to an FTP server
array ftp_rawlist ( resource ftp_stream, string directory)| Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory
bool ftp_rename ( resource ftp_stream, string from, string to)| Renames a file on the FTP server
bool ftp_rmdir ( resource ftp_stream, string directory)| Removes a directory
bool ftp_set_option ( resource ftp_stream, int option, mixed value)| Set miscellaneous runtime FTP options
bool ftp_site ( resource ftp_stream, string cmd)| Sends a SITE command to the server
int ftp_size ( resource ftp_stream, string remote_file)| Returns the size of the given file
resource ftp_ssl_connect ( string host [, int port [, int timeout]])| Opens an Secure SSL-FTP connection
string ftp_systype ( resource ftp_stream)| Returns the system type identifier of the remote FTP server
int ftruncate ( int fp, int comprimento)| Corta um arquivo para um tamanho especificado.
mixed func_get_arg ( int arg_num)| Return an item from the argument list
array func_get_args ( void )| Returns an array comprising a function's argument list
int func_num_args ( void )| Returns the number of arguments passed to the function
bool function_exists ( string function_name)| Return TRUE if the given function has been defined
int fwrite ( int fp, string string [, int comprimento])| Gravaτπo em arquivos binary-safe
array gd_info ( void )| Retrieve information about the currently installed GD library
object get_browser ( [string user_agent])| Diz o que o browser do usußrio pode fazer
string get_cfg_var ( string varname)| Gets the value of a PHP configuration option
string get_class ( object obj)| Retorna o nome da classe de um objeto
array get_class_methods ( mixed class_name)| Retorna uma matriz associativa com nomes de mΘtodos da classe
array get_class_vars ( string class_name)| Retorna uma matriz das propriedades padrπo da classe
string get_current_user ( void )| Gets the name of the owner of the current PHP script
array get_declared_classes ( void )| Retorna uma matriz com os nomes das classes definidas
array get_defined_constants ( void )| Returns an associative array with the names of all the constants and their values
array get_defined_functions ( void )| Returns an array of all defined functions
array get_defined_vars ( void )| Returns an array of all defined variables
array get_extension_funcs ( string module_name)| Returns an array with the names of the functions of a module
array get_html_translation_table ( int table [, int quote_style])| Retorna a tabela de traduτa⌡ usada por htmlspecialchars() e htmlentities()
string get_include_path ( void )| Gets the current include_path configuration option
array get_included_files ( void )| Returns an array with the names of included or required files
array get_loaded_extensions ( void )| Returns an array with the names of all modules compiled and loaded
int get_magic_quotes_gpc ( void )| Gets the current active configuration setting of magic quotes gpc
int get_magic_quotes_runtime ( void )| Gets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime
array get_meta_tags ( string filename [, int use_include_path])| Extracts all meta tag content attributes from a file and returns an array
array get_object_vars ( object obj)| Retorna uma matriz associativa com as propriedades do objeto
string get_parent_class ( mixed obj)| Devolve o nome da classe pai para o objeto ou classe
string get_resource_type ( resource handle)| Returns the resource type
array getallheaders ( void )| Obtem todos os headers HTTP
resource gmp_pow ( resource base, int exp)| Raise number into power
resource gmp_powm ( resource base, resource exp, resource mod)| Raise number into power with modulo
int gmp_prob_prime ( resource a [, int reps])| Check if number is "probably prime"
resource gmp_random ( int limiter)| Random number
int gmp_scan0 ( resource a, int start)| Scan for 0
int gmp_scan1 ( resource a, int start)| Scan for 1
resource gmp_setbit ( resource &a, int index [, bool set_clear])| Set bit
int gmp_sign ( resource a)| Sign of number
resource gmp_sqrt ( resource a)| Square root
array gmp_sqrtrm ( resource a)| Square root with remainder
string gmp_strval ( resource gmpnumber [, int base])| Convert GMP number to string
resource gmp_sub ( resource a, resource b)| Subtract numbers
resource gmp_xor ( resource a, resource b)| Logical XOR
string gmstrftime ( string format [, int timestamp])| Formata uma hora/data GMT/CUT de acordo com as configuraτ⌡es locais
int gregoriantojd ( int month, int day, int year)| Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count
int gzclose ( resource zp)| Close an open gz-file pointer
string gzcompress ( string data [, int level])| Compress a string
string gzdeflate ( string data [, int level])| Deflate a string
string gzencode ( string data [, int level [, int encoding_mode]])| Create a gzip compressed string
int gzeof ( resource zp)| Test for end-of-file on a gz-file pointer
array gzfile ( string filename [, int use_include_path])| Read entire gz-file into an array
string gzgetc ( resource zp)| Get character from gz-file pointer
string gzgets ( resource zp, int length)| Get line from file pointer
string gzgetss ( resource zp, int length [, string allowable_tags])| Get line from gz-file pointer and strip HTML tags
string gzinflate ( string data [, int length])| Inflate a deflated string
resource gzopen ( string filename, string mode [, int use_include_path])| Open gz-file
int gzpassthru ( resource zp)| Output all remaining data on a gz-file pointer
string gzread ( resource zp, int length)| Binary-safe gz-file read
int gzrewind ( resource zp)| Rewind the position of a gz-file pointer
int gzseek ( resource zp, int offset)| Seek on a gz-file pointer
int gztell ( resource zp)| Tell gz-file pointer read/write position
string gzuncompress ( string data [, int length])| Uncompress a deflated string
int gzwrite ( resource zp, string string [, int length])| Binary-safe gz-file write
int header ( string string [, bool replace [, int http_response_code]])| Send a raw HTTP header
bool headers_sent ( [string &file [, int &line]])| Checks if or where headers have been sent
string hebrev ( string hebrew_text [, int max_chars_per_line])| Converte texto l≤gico Hebraico para texto visual
string hebrevc ( string hebrew_text [, int max_chars_per_line])| Converte um texto l≤gico Hebrßico para um texto visual com conversπo newline
int hexdec ( string hex_string)| Hexadecimal para decimal
mixed highlight_file ( string filename [, bool return])| Destaca a sintaxe de um arquivo
mixed highlight_string ( string str [, bool return])| Destaque da sintaxe de uma string
string html_entity_decode ( string string [, int quote_style [, string charset]])| Converte todas as entidades HTML para os seus caracteres
string htmlentities ( string string [, int quote_style [, string charset]])| Converte todos os caracteres para HTML entities
string htmlspecialchars ( string string [, int quote_style [, string charset]])| Converte caracteres especiais para a realidade HTML
string hw_array2objrec ( array object_array)| convert attributes from object array to object record
void hw_changeobject ( int link, int objid, array attributes)| Changes attributes of an object (obsolete)
array hw_children ( int connection, int objectID)| object ids of children
array hw_childrenobj ( int connection, int objectID)| object records of children
int hw_close ( int connection)| closes the Hyperwave connection
int hw_connect ( string host, int port, string username, string password)| opens a connection
void hw_connection_info ( int link)| Prints information about the connection to Hyperwave server
int hw_cp ( int connection, array object_id_array, int destination_id)| Copies objects
int hw_deleteobject ( int connection, int object_to_delete)| deletes object
int hw_docbyanchor ( int connection, int anchorID)| object id object belonging to anchor
string hw_docbyanchorobj ( int connection, int anchorID)| object record object belonging to anchor
string hw_document_attributes ( int hw_document)| object record of hw_document
string hw_document_bodytag ( int hw_document)| body tag of hw_document
string hw_document_content ( int hw_document)| returns content of hw_document
string hw_document_setcontent ( int hw_document, string content)| sets/replaces content of hw_document
int hw_document_size ( int hw_document)| size of hw_document
string hw_dummy ( int link, int id, int msgid)| Hyperwave dummy function
int hw_edittext ( int connection, int hw_document)| retrieve text document
int hw_error ( int connection)| error number
string hw_errormsg ( int connection)| returns error message
int hw_free_document ( int hw_document)| frees hw_document
array hw_getanchors ( int connection, int objectID)| object ids of anchors of document
array hw_getanchorsobj ( int connection, int objectID)| object records of anchors of document
string hw_getandlock ( int connection, int objectID)| return bject record and lock object
array hw_getchildcoll ( int connection, int objectID)| object ids of child collections
array hw_getchildcollobj ( int connection, int objectID)| object records of child collections
array hw_getchilddoccoll ( int connection, int objectID)| object ids of child documents of collection
array hw_getchilddoccollobj ( int connection, int objectID)| object records of child documents of collection
array hw_getobject ( int connection, mixed objectID, string query)| object record
array hw_getobjectbyquery ( int connection, string query, int max_hits)| search object
array hw_getobjectbyquerycoll ( int connection, int objectID, string query, int max_hits)| search object in collection
array hw_getobjectbyquerycollobj ( int connection, int objectID, string query, int max_hits)| search object in collection
array hw_getobjectbyqueryobj ( int connection, string query, int max_hits)| search object
array hw_getparents ( int connection, int objectID)| object ids of parents
array hw_getparentsobj ( int connection, int objectID)| object records of parents
string hw_getrellink ( int link, int rootid, int sourceid, int destid)| Get link from source to dest relative to rootid
int hw_getremote ( int connection, int objectID)| Gets a remote document
int hw_getremotechildren ( int connection, string object_record)| Gets children of remote document
array hw_getsrcbydestobj ( int connection, int objectID)| Returns anchors pointing at object
int hw_gettext ( int connection, int objectID [, mixed rootID/prefix])| retrieve text document
string hw_getusername ( int connection)| name of currently logged in user
int hw_identify ( string username, string password)| identifies as user
array hw_incollections ( int connection, array object_id_array, array collection_id_array, int return_collections)| check if object ids in collections
string hw_info ( int connection)| info about connection
int hw_inscoll ( int connection, int objectID, array object_array)| insert collection
int hw_insdoc ( int connection, int parentID, string object_record, string text)| insert document
string hw_insertanchors ( int hwdoc, array anchorecs, array dest [, array urlprefixes])| Inserts only anchors into text
int hw_insertdocument ( int connection, int parent_id, int hw_document)| upload any document
int hw_insertobject ( int connection, string object_rec, string parameter)| inserts an object record
int hw_mapid ( int connection, int server_id, int object_id)| Maps global id on virtual local id
int hw_modifyobject ( int connection, int object_to_change, array remove, array add, int mode)| modifies object record
int hw_mv ( int connection, array object_id_array, int source_id, int destination_id)| Moves objects
int hw_new_document ( string object_record, string document_data, int document_size)| create new document
array hw_objrec2array ( string object_record [, array format])| Convert attributes from object record to object array
int hw_output_document ( int hw_document)| prints hw_document
int hw_pconnect ( string host, int port, string username, string password)| make a persistent database connection
int hw_pipedocument ( int connection, int objectID)| retrieve any document
int hw_root ( )| root object id
void hw_setlinkroot ( int link, int rootid)| Set the id to which links are calculated
string hw_stat ( int link)| Returns status string
int hw_unlock ( int connection, int objectID)| unlock object
int hw_who ( int connection)| List of currently logged in users
object hwapi_hgcsp ( string hostname [, int port])| Returns object of class hw_api
float hypot ( float num1, float num2)| Retorna a raiz quadrada de (num1*num1 + num2*num2)
bool ibase_add_user ( string server, string dba_user_name, string dba_user_password, string user_name, string password [, string first_name [, string middle_name [, string last_name]]])| Add a user to a security database (only for IB6 or later)
bool ibase_blob_add ( int blob_id, string data)| Add data into a newly created blob
bool ibase_blob_cancel ( int blob_id)| Cancel creating blob
bool ibase_blob_close ( int blob_id)| Close blob
int ibase_blob_create ( [resource link_identifier])| Creates a new blob for adding data
bool ibase_blob_echo ( string blob_id_str)| Output blob contents to browser
string ibase_blob_get ( int blob_id, int len)| Get len bytes data from open blob
string ibase_blob_import ( [resource link_identifier, int file_id])| Create blob, copy file in it, and close it
object ibase_blob_info ( string blob_id_str)| Return blob length and other useful info
int ibase_blob_open ( string blob_id)| Open blob for retrieving data parts
bool ibase_close ( [resource connection_id])| Close a connection to an InterBase database
bool ibase_commit ( [resource link_identifier, int trans_number])| Commit a transaction
resource ibase_connect ( string database [, string username [, string password [, string charset [, int buffers [, int dialect [, string role]]]]]])| Open a connection to an InterBase database
bool ibase_delete_user ( string server, string dba_user_name, string dba_user_password, string user_name)| Delete a user from a security database (only for IB6 or later)
resource ibase_execute ( resource query [, int bind_args])| Execute a previously prepared query
array ibase_fetch_assoc ( resource result [, int blob_flag])| Fetch a result row from a query as an associative array
object ibase_fetch_object ( resource result_id [, int blob_flag])| Get an object from a InterBase database
array ibase_fetch_row ( resource result_identifier [, int blob_flag])| Fetch a row from an InterBase database
array ibase_field_info ( resource result, int field_number)| Get information about a field
bool ibase_free_query ( resource query)| Free memory allocated by a prepared query
bool ibase_free_result ( resource result_identifier)| Free a result set
bool ibase_modify_user ( string server, string dba_user_name, string dba_user_password, string user_name, string password [, string first_name [, string middle_name [, string last_name]]])| Modify a user to a security database (only for IB6 or later)
int ibase_num_fields ( resource result_id)| Get the number of fields in a result set
resource ibase_pconnect ( string database [, string username [, string password [, string charset [, int buffers [, int dialect [, string role]]]]]])| Creates an persistent connection to an InterBase database
resource ibase_prepare ( [resource link_identifier, string query])| Prepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders and execution
resource ibase_query ( [resource link_identifier, string query [, int bind_args]])| Execute a query on an InterBase database
bool ibase_rollback ( [resource link_identifier, int trans_number])| Rolls back a transaction
int ibase_timefmt ( string format [, int columntype])| Sets the format of timestamp, date and time type columns returned from queries
resource ibase_trans ( [int trans_args [, resource link_identifier]])| Begin a transaction
string iconv ( string in_charset, string out_charset, string str)| Convert string to requested character encoding
array iconv_get_encoding ( [string type])| Get current setting for character encoding conversion
bool iconv_set_encoding ( string type, string charset)| Set current setting for character encoding conversion
int ifx_affected_rows ( int result_id)| Get number of rows affected by a query
void ifx_blobinfile_mode ( int mode)| Set the default blob mode for all select queries
void ifx_byteasvarchar ( int mode)| Set the default byte mode
int ifx_close ( [int link_identifier])| Close Informix connection
int ifx_connect ( [string database [, string userid [, string password]]])| Open Informix server connection
int ifx_copy_blob ( int bid)| Duplicates the given blob object
int ifx_create_blob ( int type, int mode, string param)| Creates an blob object
int ifx_create_char ( string param)| Creates an char object
int ifx_do ( int result_id)| Execute a previously prepared SQL-statement
string ifx_error ( void )| Returns error code of last Informix call
string ifx_errormsg ( [int errorcode])| Returns error message of last Informix call
array ifx_fetch_row ( int result_id [, mixed position])| Get row as enumerated array
array ifx_fieldproperties ( int result_id)| List of SQL fieldproperties
array ifx_fieldtypes ( int result_id)| List of Informix SQL fields
int ifx_free_blob ( int bid)| Deletes the blob object
int ifx_free_char ( int bid)| Deletes the char object
int ifx_free_result ( int result_id)| Releases resources for the query
int ifx_get_blob ( int bid)| Return the content of a blob object
int ifx_get_char ( int bid)| Return the content of the char object
array ifx_getsqlca ( int result_id)| Get the contents of sqlca.sqlerrd[0..5] after a query
int ifx_htmltbl_result ( int result_id [, string html_table_options])| Formats all rows of a query into a HTML table
void ifx_nullformat ( int mode)| Sets the default return value on a fetch row
int ifx_num_fields ( int result_id)| Returns the number of columns in the query
int ifx_num_rows ( int result_id)| Count the rows already fetched from a query
int ifx_pconnect ( [string database [, string userid [, string password]]])| Open persistent Informix connection
int ifx_prepare ( string query, int conn_id [, int cursor_def, mixed blobidarray])| Prepare an SQL-statement for execution
int ifx_query ( string query, int link_identifier [, int cursor_type [, mixed blobidarray]])| Send Informix query
void ifx_textasvarchar ( int mode)| Set the default text mode
bool ifx_update_blob ( int bid, string content)| Updates the content of the blob object
int ifx_update_char ( int bid, string content)| Updates the content of the char object
int ifxus_close_slob ( int bid)| Deletes the slob object
int ifxus_create_slob ( int mode)| Creates an slob object and opens it
int ifxus_free_slob ( int bid)| Deletes the slob object
int ifxus_open_slob ( long bid, int mode)| Opens an slob object
int ifxus_read_slob ( long bid, long nbytes)| Reads nbytes of the slob object
int ifxus_seek_slob ( long bid, int mode, long offset)| Sets the current file or seek position
int ifxus_tell_slob ( long bid)| Returns the current file or seek position
int ifxus_write_slob ( long bid, string content)| Writes a string into the slob object
int ignore_user_abort ( [int setting])| Estabelece se acontecerß o enceramento do script quando o usußrio abortar a conexπo
int image2wbmp ( resource image [, string filename [, int threshold]])| Output image to browser or file
string image_type_to_mime_type ( int imagetype)| Get Mime-Type for image-type returned by getimagesize, exif_read_data, exif_thumbnail, exif_imagetype
int imagealphablending ( resource image, bool blendmode)| Set the blending mode for an image
bool imageantialias ( int im, bool on)| Should antialias functions be used or not
int imagearc ( resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int color)| Draw a partial ellipse
int imagechar ( resource image, int font, int x, int y, string c, int color)| Draw a character horizontally
int imagecharup ( resource image, int font, int x, int y, string c, int color)| Draw a character vertically
int imagecolorallocate ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue)| Allocate a color for an image
int imagecolorallocatealpha ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)| Allocate a color for an image
int imagecolorat ( resource image, int x, int y)| Get the index of the color of a pixel
int imagecolorclosest ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue)| Get the index of the closest color to the specified color
int imagecolorclosestalpha ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)| Get the index of the closest color to the specified color + alpha
int imagecolorclosesthwb ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue)| Get the index of the color which has the hue, white and blackness nearest to the given color
int imagecolordeallocate ( resource image, int color)| De-allocate a color for an image
int imagecolorexact ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue)| Get the index of the specified color
int imagecolorexactalpha ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)| Get the index of the specified color + alpha
bool imagecolormatch ( resource image1, resource image2)| Makes the colors of the palette version of an image more closely match the true color version
int imagecolorresolve ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue)| Get the index of the specified color or its closest possible alternative
int imagecolorresolvealpha ( resource image, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)| Get the index of the specified color + alpha or its closest possible alternative
bool imagecolorset ( resource image, int index, int red, int green, int blue)| Set the color for the specified palette index
array imagecolorsforindex ( resource image, int index)| Get the colors for an index
int imagecolorstotal ( resource image)| Find out the number of colors in an image's palette
int imagecolortransparent ( resource image [, int color])| Define a color as transparent
int imagecopy ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h)| Copy part of an image
int imagecopymerge ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int pct)| Copy and merge part of an image
int imagecopymergegray ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int pct)| Copy and merge part of an image with gray scale
int imagecopyresampled ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH)| Copy and resize part of an image with resampling
int imagecopyresized ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH)| Copy and resize part of an image
resource imagecreate ( int x_size, int y_size)| Create a new palette based image
resource imagecreatefromgd ( string filename)| Create a new image from GD file or URL
resource imagecreatefromgd2 ( string filename)| Create a new image from GD2 file or URL
resource imagecreatefromgd2part ( string filename, int srcX, int srcY, int width, int height)| Create a new image from a given part of GD2 file or URL
resource imagecreatefromgif ( string filename)| Create a new image from file or URL
resource imagecreatefromjpeg ( string filename)| Create a new image from file or URL
resource imagecreatefrompng ( string filename)| Create a new image from file or URL
resource imagecreatefromstring ( string image)| Create a new image from the image stream in the string
resource imagecreatefromwbmp ( string filename)| Create a new image from file or URL
resource imagecreatefromxbm ( string filename)| Create a new image from file or URL
resource imagecreatefromxpm ( string filename)| Create a new image from file or URL
resource imagecreatetruecolor ( int x_size, int y_size)| Create a new true color image
int imagedashedline ( resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)| Draw a dashed line
int imagedestroy ( resource image)| Destroy an image
int imageellipse ( resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int color)| Draw an ellipse
int imagefill ( resource image, int x, int y, int color)| Flood fill
int imagefilledarc ( resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int color, int style)| Draw a partial ellipse and fill it
int imagefilledellipse ( resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int color)| Draw a filled ellipse
int imagefilledpolygon ( resource image, array points, int num_points, int color)| Draw a filled polygon
int imagefilledrectangle ( resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)| Draw a filled rectangle
int imagefilltoborder ( resource image, int x, int y, int border, int color)| Flood fill to specific color
int imagefontheight ( int font)| Get font height
int imagefontwidth ( int font)| Get font width
array imageftbbox ( int size, int angle, string font_file, string text [, array extrainfo])| Give the bounding box of a text using fonts via freetype2
array imagefttext ( resource image, int size, int angle, int x, int y, int col, string font_file, string text [, array extrainfo])| Write text to the image using fonts using FreeType 2
int imagegammacorrect ( resource image, float inputgamma, float outputgamma)| Apply a gamma correction to a GD image
int imagegd ( resource image [, string filename])| Output GD image to browser or file
int imagegd2 ( resource image [, string filename [, int chunk_size [, int type]]])| Output GD2 image
int imagegif ( resource image [, string filename])| Output image to browser or file
int imageinterlace ( resource image [, int interlace])| Enable or disable interlace
bool imageistruecolor ( resource image)| Finds whether an image is a truecolor image.
int imagejpeg ( resource image [, string filename [, int quality]])| Output image to browser or file
int imageline ( resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)| Draw a line
int imageloadfont ( string file)| Load a new font
int imagepalettecopy ( resource destination, resource source)| Copy the palette from one image to another
int imagepng ( resource image [, string filename])| Output a PNG image to either the browser or a file
int imagepolygon ( resource image, array points, int num_points, int color)| Draw a polygon
array imagepsbbox ( string text, int font, int size [, int space [, int tightness [, float angle]]])| Give the bounding box of a text rectangle using PostScript Type1 fonts
int imagepscopyfont ( int fontindex)| Make a copy of an already loaded font for further modification
int imagepsencodefont ( int font_index, string encodingfile)| Change the character encoding vector of a font
bool imagepsextendfont ( int font_index, float extend)| Extend or condense a font
void imagepsfreefont ( int fontindex)| Free memory used by a PostScript Type 1 font
int imagepsloadfont ( string filename)| Load a PostScript Type 1 font from file
bool imagepsslantfont ( int font_index, float slant)| Slant a font
array imagepstext ( resource image, string text, int font, int size, int foreground, int background, int x, int y [, int space [, int tightness [, float angle [, int antialias_steps]]]])| To draw a text string over an image using PostScript Type1 fonts
int imagerectangle ( resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col)| Draw a rectangle
resource imagerotate ( resource src_im, float angle, int bgd_color)| Rotate an image with a given angle
bool imagesavealpha ( resource image, bool saveflag)| Set the flag to save full alpha channel information (as opposed to single-color transparency) when saving PNG images.
int imagesetbrush ( resource image, resource brush)| Set the brush image for line drawing
int imagesetpixel ( resource image, int x, int y, int color)| Set a single pixel
int imagesetstyle ( resource image, array style)| Set the style for line drawing
void imagesetthickness ( resource image, int thickness)| Set the thickness for line drawing
int imagesettile ( resource image, resource tile)| Set the tile image for filling
int imagestring ( resource image, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col)| Draw a string horizontally
int imagestringup ( resource image, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col)| Draw a string vertically
int imagesx ( resource image)| Get image width
int imagesy ( resource image)| Get image height
void imagetruecolortopalette ( resource image, bool dither, int ncolors)| Convert a true color image to a palette image
array imagettfbbox ( int size, int angle, string fontfile, string text)| Give the bounding box of a text using TrueType fonts
array imagettftext ( resource image, int size, int angle, int x, int y, int color, string fontfile, string text)| Write text to the image using TrueType fonts
int imagetypes ( void )| Return the image types supported by this PHP build
int imagewbmp ( resource image [, string filename [, int foreground]])| Output image to browser or file
string imap_8bit ( string string)| Convert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string
array imap_alerts ( void )| This function returns all IMAP alert messages (if any) that have occurred during this page request or since the alert stack was reset
bool imap_append ( resource imap_stream, string mbox, string message [, string options])| Append a string message to a specified mailbox
string imap_base64 ( string text)| Decode BASE64 encoded text
string imap_binary ( string string)| Convert an 8bit string to a base64 string
string imap_body ( resource imap_stream, int msg_number [, int options])| Read the message body
object imap_bodystruct ( resource stream_id, int msg_no, int section)| Read the structure of a specified body section of a specific message
object imap_check ( resource imap_stream)| Check current mailbox
bool imap_close ( resource imap_stream [, int flag])| Close an IMAP stream
bool imap_createmailbox ( resource imap_stream, string mbox)| Create a new mailbox
bool imap_delete ( int imap_stream, int msg_number [, int options])| Mark a messge for deletion from current mailbox
bool imap_deletemailbox ( resource imap_stream, string mbox)| Delete a mailbox
array imap_errors ( void )| This function returns all of the IMAP errors (if any) that have occurred during this page request or since the error stack was reset.
bool imap_expunge ( resource imap_stream)| Delete all messages marked for deletion
array imap_fetch_overview ( resource imap_stream, string sequence [, int options])| Read an overview of the information in the headers of the given message
string imap_fetchbody ( resource imap_stream, int msg_number, string part_number [, flags options])| Fetch a particular section of the body of the message
string imap_fetchheader ( resource imap_stream, int msgno, int options)| Returns header for a message
object imap_fetchstructure ( resource imap_stream, int msg_number [, int options])| Read the structure of a particular message
array imap_get_quota ( resource imap_stream, string quota_root)| Retrieve the quota level settings, and usage statics per mailbox
array imap_get_quotaroot ( resource imap_stream, string quota_root)| Retrieve the quota settings per user
array imap_getmailboxes ( resource imap_stream, string ref, string pattern)| Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one
array imap_getsubscribed ( resource imap_stream, string ref, string pattern)| List all the subscribed mailboxes
object imap_headerinfo ( resource imap_stream, int msg_number [, int fromlength [, int subjectlength [, string defaulthost]]])| Read the header of the message
array imap_headers ( resource imap_stream)| Returns headers for all messages in a mailbox
string imap_last_error ( void )| This function returns the last IMAP error (if any) that occurred during this page request
array imap_list ( resource imap_stream, string ref, string pattern)| Read the list of mailboxes
array imap_listscan ( resource imap_stream, string ref, string pattern, string content)| Read the list of mailboxes, takes a string to search for in the text of the mailbox
array imap_lsub ( resource imap_stream, string ref, string pattern)| List all the subscribed mailboxes
string imap_mail ( string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string cc [, string bcc [, string rpath]]]])| Send an email message
string imap_mail_compose ( array envelope, array body)| Create a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections
bool imap_mail_copy ( resource imap_stream, string msglist, string mbox [, int options])| Copy specified messages to a mailbox
bool imap_mail_move ( resource imap_stream, string msglist, string mbox [, int options])| Move specified messages to a mailbox
object imap_mailboxmsginfo ( resource imap_stream)| Get information about the current mailbox
array imap_mime_header_decode ( string text)| Decode MIME header elements
int imap_msgno ( resource imap_stream, int uid)| This function returns the message sequence number for the given UID
int imap_num_msg ( resource imap_stream)| Gives the number of messages in the current mailbox
int imap_num_recent ( resource imap_stream)| Gives the number of recent messages in current mailbox
resource imap_open ( string mailbox, string username, string password [, int options])| Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox
bool imap_ping ( resource imap_stream)| Check if the IMAP stream is still active
string imap_qprint ( string string)| Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string
bool imap_renamemailbox ( resource imap_stream, string old_mbox, string new_mbox)| Rename an old mailbox to new mailbox
bool imap_reopen ( resource imap_stream, string mailbox [, string options])| Reopen IMAP stream to new mailbox
object imap_rfc822_parse_headers ( string headers [, string defaulthost])| Parse mail headers from a string
string imap_rfc822_write_address ( string mailbox, string host, string personal)| Returns a properly formatted email address given the mailbox, host, and personal info.
array imap_search ( resource imap_stream, string criteria, int options)| This function returns an array of messages matching the given search criteria
bool imap_set_quota ( resource imap_stream, string quota_root, int quota_limit)| Sets a quota for a given mailbox
bool imap_setacl ( resource stream_id, string mailbox, string id, string rights)| Sets the ACL for a giving mailbox
array imap_sort ( resource stream, int criteria, int reverse [, int options [, string search_criteria]])| Sort an array of message headers
object imap_status ( resource imap_stream, string mailbox, int options)| This function returns status information on a mailbox other than the current one
bool imap_subscribe ( resource imap_stream, string mbox)| Subscribe to a mailbox
array imap_thread ( resource stream_id [, int options])| Return threaded by REFERENCES tree
int imap_uid ( resource imap_stream, int msgno)| This function returns the UID for the given message sequence number
bool imap_undelete ( resource imap_stream, int msg_number)| Unmark the message which is marked deleted
bool imap_unsubscribe ( string imap_stream, string mbox)| Unsubscribe from a mailbox
string ldap_next_attribute ( resource link_identifier, resource result_entry_identifier, resource ber_identifier)| Get the next attribute in result
resource ldap_next_entry ( resource link_identifier, resource result_entry_identifier)| Get next result entry
resource ldap_next_reference ( resource link, resource entry)| Get next reference
bool ldap_parse_reference ( resource link, resource entry, array referrals)| Extract information from reference entry
bool ldap_parse_result ( resource link, resource result, int errcode, string matcheddn, string errmsg, array referrals)| Extract information from result
resource ldap_read ( resource link_identifier, string base_dn, string filter [, array attributes [, int attrsonly [, int sizelimit [, int timelimit [, int deref]]]]])| Read an entry
bool ldap_rename ( resource link_identifier, string dn, string newrdn, string newparent, bool deleteoldrdn)| Modify the name of an entry
resource ldap_search ( resource link_identifier, string base_dn, string filter [, array attributes [, int attrsonly [, int sizelimit [, int timelimit [, int deref]]]]])| Search LDAP tree
bool ldap_set_option ( resource link_identifier, int option, mixed newval)| Set the value of the given option
bool ldap_set_rebind_proc ( resource link, string callback)| Set a callback function to do re-binds on referral chasing.
bool ldap_unbind ( resource link_identifier)| Unbind from LDAP directory
int levenshtein ( string str1, string str2)| Calcula a distΓncia Levenshtein entre duas strings
int link ( string alvo, string link)| Criando um hard link
int linkinfo ( string path)| Ler informaτ⌡es sobre um link
void list ( mixed ...)| Cria varißveis como se fossem arrays
array localeconv ( void )| ObtΘm a informaτπo da formataτπo numΘrica
array localtime ( [int timestamp [, bool is_associative]])| ObtΘm a hora local
float log ( float arg)| Logaritmo natural
float log10 ( float arg)| Logaritmo Base 10
float log1p ( float number)| Retorna o log(1 + numero), calculado de forma que o valor do n·mero seja pr≤ximo de zero.
string long2ip ( int proper_address)| Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address into a string in Internet standard dotted format
array lstat ( string nomedoarquivo)| Obtem informaτ⌡es sobre um arquivo ou link simb≤lico
string ltrim ( string str [, string charlist])| Retira whitespace do inφcio da string
bool mail ( string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string additional_parameters]])| Envia email
int mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encoding ( resource fp)| Figures out the best way of encoding the content read from the file pointer fp, which must be seek-able
int mailparse_msg_create ( void )| Returns a handle that can be used to parse a message
void mailparse_msg_extract_part ( resource rfc2045, string msgbody [, string callbackfunc])| Extracts/decodes a message section. If callbackfunc is not specified, the contents will be sent to "stdout"
string mailparse_msg_extract_part_file ( resource rfc2045, string filename [, string callbackfunc])| Extracts/decodes a message section, decoding the transfer encoding
void mailparse_msg_free ( resource rfc2045buf)| Frees a handle allocated by mailparse_msg_crea
int mailparse_msg_get_part ( resource rfc2045, string mimesection)| Returns a handle on a given section in a mimemessage
array mailparse_msg_get_part_data ( resource rfc2045)| Returns an associative array of info about the message
array mailparse_msg_get_structure ( resource rfc2045)| Returns an array of mime section names in the supplied message
void mailparse_msg_parse ( resource rfc2045buf, string data)| Incrementally parse data into buffer
resource mailparse_msg_parse_file ( string filename)| Parse file and return a resource representing the structure
array mailparse_rfc822_parse_addresses ( string addresses)| Parse addresses and returns a hash containing that data
bool mailparse_stream_encode ( resource sourcefp, resource destfp, string encoding)| Streams data from source file pointer, apply encoding and write to destfp
array mailparse_uudecode_all ( resource fp)| Scans the data from fp and extract each embedded uuencoded file. Returns an array listing filename information
mixed max ( mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed argn)| Localiza o maior n·mero
string mb_convert_case ( string str, int mode [, string encoding])| Perform case folding on a string
string mb_encode_numericentity ( string str, array convmap [, string encoding])| Encode character to HTML numeric string reference
int mb_ereg ( string pattern, string string [, array regs])| Regular expression match with multibyte support
bool mb_ereg_match ( string pattern, string string [, string option])| Regular expression match for multibyte string
string mb_ereg_replace ( string pattern, string replacement, string string [, array option])| Replace regular expression with multibyte support
bool mb_ereg_search ( [string pattern [, string option]])| Multibyte regular expression match for predefined multibyte string
array mb_ereg_search_getpos ( void )| Returns start point for next regular expression match
array mb_ereg_search_getregs ( void )| Retrive the result from the last multibyte regular expression match
array mb_ereg_search_init ( string string [, string pattern [, string option]])| Setup string and regular expression for multibyte regular expression match
array mb_ereg_search_pos ( [string pattern [, string option]])| Return position and length of matched part of multibyte regular expression for predefined multibyte string
array mb_ereg_search_regs ( [string pattern [, string option]])| Returns the matched part of multibyte regular expression
array mb_ereg_search_setpos ( void )| Set start point of next regular expression match
int mb_eregi ( string pattern, string string [, array regs])| Regular expression match ignoring case with multibyte support
string mb_eregi_replace ( string pattern, string replace, string string)| Replace regular expression with multibyte support ignoring case
string mb_get_info ( [string type])| Get internal settings of mbstring
string mb_http_input ( [string type])| Detect HTTP input character encoding
string mb_http_output ( [string encoding])| Set/Get HTTP output character encoding
string mb_internal_encoding ( [string encoding])| Set/Get internal character encoding
string mb_language ( [string language])| Set/Get current language
string mb_output_handler ( string contents, int status)| Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer
bool mb_parse_str ( string encoded_string [, array result])| Parse GET/POST/COOKIE data and set global variable
string mb_preferred_mime_name ( string encoding)| Get MIME charset string
string mb_regex_encoding ( [string encoding])| Returns current encoding for multibyte regex as string
string mb_regex_set_options ( [string options])| Set/Get the default options for mbregex functions
int mb_strpos ( string haystack, string needle [, int offset [, string encoding]])| Find position of first occurrence of string in a string
int mb_strrpos ( string haystack, string needle [, string encoding])| Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string
string mb_strtolower ( string str [, string encoding])| Make a string lowercase
string mb_strtoupper ( string str [, string encoding])| Make a string uppercase
int mb_strwidth ( string str [, string encoding])| Return width of string
mixed mb_substitute_character ( [mixed substrchar])| Set/Get substitution character
string mb_substr ( string str, int start [, int length [, string encoding]])| Get part of string
int mb_substr_count ( string haystack, string needle [, string encoding])| Count the number of substring occurrences
int mcal_append_event ( int mcal_stream)| Store a new event into an MCAL calendar
int mcal_close ( int mcal_stream, int flags)| Close an MCAL stream
string mcal_create_calendar ( int stream, string calendar)| Create a new MCAL calendar
int mcal_date_compare ( int a_year, int a_month, int a_day, int b_year, int b_month, int b_day)| Compares two dates
int mcal_date_valid ( int year, int month, int day)| Returns TRUE if the given year, month, day is a valid date
int mcal_day_of_week ( int year, int month, int day)| Returns the day of the week of the given date
int mcal_day_of_year ( int year, int month, int day)| Returns the day of the year of the given date
int mcal_days_in_month ( int month, int leap_year)| Returns the number of days in a month
string mcal_delete_calendar ( int stream, string calendar)| Delete an MCAL calendar
int mcal_delete_event ( int mcal_stream [, int event_id])| Delete an event from an MCAL calendar
void mcal_event_add_attribute ( int stream, string attribute, string value)| Adds an attribute and a value to the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_init ( int stream)| Initializes a streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_alarm ( int stream, int alarm)| Sets the alarm of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_category ( int stream, string category)| Sets the category of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_class ( int stream, int class)| Sets the class of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_description ( int stream, string description)| Sets the description of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_end ( int stream, int year, int month [, int day [, int hour [, int min [, int sec]]]])| Sets the end date and time of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_recur_daily ( int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval)| Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_mday ( int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval)| Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_wday ( int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval)| Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_recur_none ( int stream)| Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_recur_weekly ( int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval, int weekdays)| Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_recur_yearly ( int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval)| Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_start ( int stream, int year, int month [, int day [, int hour [, int min [, int sec]]]])| Sets the start date and time of the streams global event structure
int mcal_event_set_title ( int stream, string title)| Sets the title of the streams global event structure
int mcal_expunge ( int stream)| Deletes all events marked for being expunged.
object mcal_fetch_current_stream_event ( int stream)| Returns an object containing the current streams event structure
object mcal_fetch_event ( int mcal_stream, int event_id [, int options])| Fetches an event from the calendar stream
int mcal_is_leap_year ( int year)| Returns if the given year is a leap year or not
array mcal_list_alarms ( int mcal_stream [, int begin_year [, int begin_month [, int begin_day [, int end_year [, int end_month [, int end_day]]]]]])| Return a list of events that has an alarm triggered at the given datetime
array mcal_list_events ( int mcal_stream, object begin_date [, object end_date])| Return a list of IDs for a date or a range of dates
int mcal_next_recurrence ( int stream, int weekstart, array next)| Returns the next recurrence of the event
int mcal_open ( string calendar, string username, string password [, int options])| Opens up an MCAL connection
int mcal_popen ( string calendar, string username, string password [, int options])| Opens up a persistent MCAL connection
string mcal_rename_calendar ( int stream, string old_name, string new_name)| Rename an MCAL calendar
int mcal_reopen ( string calendar [, int options])| Reopens an MCAL connection
bool mcal_snooze ( int stream_id, int event_id)| Turn off an alarm for an event
int mcal_store_event ( int mcal_stream)| Modify an existing event in an MCAL calendar
int mcal_time_valid ( int hour, int minutes, int seconds)| Returns TRUE if the given year, month, day is a valid time
int mcal_week_of_year ( int day, int month, int year)| Returns the week number of the given date
string mcrypt_cbc ( int cipher, string key, string data, int mode [, string iv])| Encrypt/decrypt data in CBC mode
string mcrypt_cfb ( int cipher, string key, string data, int mode, string iv)| Encrypt/decrypt data in CFB mode
string mcrypt_create_iv ( int size, int source)| Create an initialization vector (IV) from a random source
string mcrypt_decrypt ( string cipher, string key, string data, string mode [, string iv])| Decrypts crypttext with given parameters
string mcrypt_ecb ( int cipher, string key, string data, int mode)| Encrypt/decrypt data in ECB mode
string mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name ( resource td)| Returns the name of the opened algorithm
int mcrypt_enc_get_block_size ( resource td)| Returns the blocksize of the opened algorithm
int mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size ( resource td)| Returns the size of the IV of the opened algorithm
int mcrypt_enc_get_key_size ( resource td)| Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode
string mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name ( resource td)| Returns the name of the opened mode
array mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes ( resource td)| Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm
bool mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm ( resource td)| Checks whether the algorithm of the opened mode is a block algorithm
bool mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode ( resource td)| Checks whether the encryption of the opened mode works on blocks
bool mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode ( resource td)| Checks whether the opened mode outputs blocks
bool mcrypt_enc_self_test ( resource td)| This function runs a self test on the opened module
string mcrypt_encrypt ( string cipher, string key, string data, string mode [, string iv])| Encrypts plaintext with given parameters
string mcrypt_generic ( resource td, string data)| This function encrypts data
bool mcrypt_generic_deinit ( resource td)| This function deinitializes an encryption module
bool mcrypt_generic_end ( resource td)| This function terminates encryption
int mcrypt_generic_init ( resource td, string key, string iv)| This function initializes all buffers needed for encryption
int mcrypt_get_block_size ( int cipher)| Get the block size of the specified cipher
string mcrypt_get_cipher_name ( int cipher)| Get the name of the specified cipher
int mcrypt_get_iv_size ( resource td)| Returns the size of the IV belonging to a specific cipher/mode combination
int mcrypt_get_key_size ( int cipher)| Get the key size of the specified cipher
array mcrypt_list_algorithms ( [string lib_dir])| Get an array of all supported ciphers
array mcrypt_list_modes ( [string lib_dir])| Get an array of all supported modes
bool mcrypt_module_close ( resource td)| Close the mcrypt module
int mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size ( string algorithm [, string lib_dir])| Returns the blocksize of the specified algorithm
int mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size ( string algorithm [, string lib_dir])| Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode
array mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes ( string algorithm [, string lib_dir])| Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm
bool mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm ( string algorithm [, string lib_dir])| This function checks whether the specified algorithm is a block algorithm
bool mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode ( string mode [, string lib_dir])| This function returns if the the specified module is a block algorithm or not
bool mcrypt_module_is_block_mode ( string mode [, string lib_dir])| This function returns if the the specified mode outputs blocks or not
resource mcrypt_module_open ( string algorithm, string algorithm_directory, string mode, string mode_directory)| Opens the module of the algorithm and the mode to be used
bool mcrypt_module_self_test ( string algorithm [, string lib_dir])| This function runs a self test on the specified module
string mcrypt_ofb ( int cipher, string key, string data, int mode, string iv)| Encrypt/decrypt data in OFB mode
int mcve_adduser ( resource conn, string admin_password, int usersetup)| Add an MCVE user using usersetup structure
int mcve_adduserarg ( resource usersetup, int argtype, string argval)| Add a value to user configuration structure
int mcve_bt ( resource conn, string username, string password)| Get unsettled batch totals
int mcve_checkstatus ( resource conn, int identifier)| Check to see if a transaction has completed
int mcve_disableuser ( resource conn, string admin_password, string username)| Disable an active MCVE user account
int mcve_edituser ( resource conn, string admin_password, int usersetup)| Edit MCVE user using usersetup structure
int mcve_enableuser ( resource conn, string admin_password, string username)| Enable an inactive MCVE user account
int mcve_force ( resiurce conn, string username, string password, string trackdata, string account, string expdate, float amount, string authcode, string comments, string clerkid, string stationid, int ptrannum)| Send a FORCE to MCVE. (typically, a phone-authorization)
string mcve_getcell ( resource conn, int identifier, string column, int row)| Get a specific cell from a comma delimited response by column name
string mcve_getcellbynum ( resource conn, int identifier, int column, int row)| Get a specific cell from a comma delimited response by column number
string mcve_getcommadelimited ( resource conn, int identifier)| Get the RAW comma delimited data returned from MCVE
string mcve_getheader ( resource conn, int identifier, int column_num)| Get the name of the column in a comma-delimited response
string mcve_getuserarg ( resource usersetup, int argtype)| Grab a value from usersetup structure
string mcve_getuserparam ( resource conn, long identifier, int key)| Get a user response parameter
int mcve_gft ( resource conn, string username, string password, int type, string account, string clerkid, string stationid, string comments, int ptrannum, string startdate, string enddate)| Audit MCVE for Failed transactions
int mcve_gl ( int conn, string username, string password, int type, string account, string batch, string clerkid, string stationid, string comments, int ptrannum, string startdate, string enddate)| Audit MCVE for settled transactions
int mcve_gut ( resource conn, string username, string password, int type, string account, string clerkid, string stationid, string comments, int ptrannum, string startdate, string enddate)| Audit MCVE for Unsettled Transactions
resource mcve_initconn ( void )| Create and initialize an MCVE_CONN structure
int mcve_initengine ( string location)| Ready the client for IP/SSL Communication
resource mcve_initusersetup ( void )| Initialize structure to store user data
int mcve_iscommadelimited ( resource conn, int identifier)| Checks to see if response is comma delimited
int mcve_liststats ( resource conn, string admin_password)| List statistics for all users on MCVE system
int mcve_listusers ( resource conn, string admin_password)| List all users on MCVE system
bool mcve_maxconntimeout ( resource conn, int secs)| The maximum amount of time the API will attempt a connection to MCVE
int mcve_monitor ( resource conn)| Perform communication with MCVE (send/receive data) Non-blocking
int mcve_numcolumns ( resource conn, int identifier)| Number of columns returned in a comma delimited response
int mcve_numrows ( resource conn, int identifier)| Number of rows returned in a comma delimited response
int mcve_override ( resource conn, string username, string password, string trackdata, string account, string expdate, float amount, string street, string zip, string cv, string comments, string clerkid, string stationid, int ptrannum)| Send an OVERRIDE to MCVE
int mcve_parsecommadelimited ( resource conn, int identifier)| Parse the comma delimited response so mcve_getcell, etc will work
int mcve_ping ( resource conn)| Send a ping request to MCVE
int mcve_preauth ( resource conn, string username, string password, string trackdata, string account, string expdate, float amount, string street, string zip, string cv, string comments, string clerkid, string stationid, int ptrannum)| Send a PREAUTHORIZATION to MCVE
int mcve_preauthcompletion ( resource conn, string username, string password, float finalamount, int sid, int ptrannum)| Complete a PREAUTHORIZATION... Ready it for settlement
int mcve_qc ( resource conn, string username, string password, string clerkid, string stationid, string comments, int ptrannum)| Audit MCVE for a list of transactions in the outgoing queue
string mcve_responseparam ( resource conn, long identifier, string key)| Get a custom response parameter
int mcve_return ( int conn, string username, string password, string trackdata, string account, string expdate, float amount, string comments, string clerkid, string stationid, int ptrannum)| Issue a RETURN or CREDIT to MCVE
int mcve_returncode ( resource conn, int identifier)| Grab the exact return code from the transaction
int mcve_returnstatus ( resource conn, int identifier)| Check to see if the transaction was successful
int mcve_sale ( resource conn, string username, string password, string trackdata, string account, string expdate, float amount, string street, string zip, string cv, string comments, string clerkid, string stationid, int ptrannum)| Send a SALE to MCVE
int mcve_setblocking ( resource conn, int tf)| Set blocking/non-blocking mode for connection
int mcve_setdropfile ( resource conn, string directory)| Set the connection method to Drop-File
int mcve_setip ( resource conn, string host, int port)| Set the connection method to IP
int mcve_setssl ( resource conn, string host, int port)| Set the connection method to SSL
int mcve_setssl_files ( string sslkeyfile, string sslcertfile)| Set certificate key files and certificates if server requires client certificate verification
int mcve_settimeout ( resource conn, int seconds)| Set maximum transaction time (per trans)
int mcve_settle ( resource conn, string username, string password, string batch)| Issue a settlement command to do a batch deposit
string mcve_text_avs ( string code)| Get a textual representation of the return_avs
string mcve_text_code ( string code)| Get a textual representation of the return_code
string mcve_text_cv ( int code)| Get a textual representation of the return_cv
string mcve_transactionauth ( resource conn, int identifier)| Get the authorization number returned for the transaction (alpha-numeric)
int mcve_transactionavs ( resource conn, int identifier)| Get the Address Verification return status
int mcve_transactionbatch ( resource conn, int identifier)| Get the batch number associated with the transaction
int mcve_transactioncv ( resource conn, int identifier)| Get the CVC2/CVV2/CID return status
int mcve_transactionid ( resource conn, int identifier)| Get the unique system id for the transaction
int mcve_transactionitem ( resource conn, int identifier)| Get the ITEM number in the associated batch for this transaction
int mcve_transactionssent ( resource conn)| Check to see if outgoing buffer is clear
string mcve_transactiontext ( resource conn, int identifier)| Get verbiage (text) return from MCVE or processing institution
int mcve_transinqueue ( resource conn)| Number of transactions in client-queue
int mcve_transnew ( resource conn)| Start a new transaction
int mcve_transparam ( resource conn, long identifier, int key)| Add a parameter to a transaction
int mcve_transsend ( resource conn, long identifier)| Finalize and send the transaction
int mcve_ub ( resource conn, string username, string password)| Get a list of all Unsettled batches
int mcve_uwait ( long microsecs)| Wait x microsecs
bool mcve_verifyconnection ( resource conn, int tf)| Set whether or not to PING upon connect to verify connection
bool mcve_verifysslcert ( resource conn, int tf)| Set whether or not to verify the server ssl certificate
int mcve_void ( resource conn, string username, string password, int sid, int ptrannum)| VOID a transaction in the settlement queue
string md5 ( string str)| Calcula hash md5 de uma string
string md5_file ( string filename [, bool raw_output])| Calcula hash md5 de um dado arquivo
string mdecrypt_generic ( resource td, string data)| Decrypt data
int memory_get_usage ( void )| Returns the amount of memory allocated to PHP
string metaphone ( string str)| Calcula a metaphone key de uma string
bool method_exists ( object object, string method_name)| Checa se o mΘtodo da classe existe
string mhash ( int hash, string data, string [ key ])| Computar a hash
int mhash_count ( void )| Ler o mais alto hash id disponφvel
int mhash_get_block_size ( int hash)| Ler o tamanho do bloco da hash especφficada
string mhash_get_hash_name ( int hash)| Ler o nome da hash especificada
string mhash_keygen_s2k ( int hash, string password, string salt, int bytes)| Gerar uma chave
string microtime ( void )| Retorna um timestamp UNIX com microsegundos
string mime_content_type ( string filename)| Detect MIME Content-type for a file
number min ( number arg1, number arg2 [, ...])| Localiza o menor n·mero
void ming_setcubicthreshold ( int threshold)| Set cubic threshold (?)
void ming_setscale ( int scale)| Set scale (?)
void ming_useswfversion ( int version)| Use SWF version (?)
int mkdir ( string pathname, int mode)| Criar um diret≤rio
int mktime ( int hour, int minute, int second, int month, int day, int year [, int is_dst])| ObtΘm um modelo UNIX para uma data
string money_format ( string format, float number)| Formats a number as a currency string
bool move_uploaded_file ( string nomedoarquivo, string destino)| Move um arquivo carregado para uma nova localizaτπo
bool msession_connect ( string host, string port)| Connect to msession server
int msession_count ( void )| Get session count
bool msession_create ( string session)| Create a session
bool msession_destroy ( string name)| Destroy a session
void msession_disconnect ( void )| Close connection to msession server
array msession_find ( string name, string value)| Find value
string msession_get ( string session, string name, string value)| Get value from session
array msession_get_array ( string session)| Get array of ... ?
string msession_getdata ( string session)| Get data ... ?
string msession_inc ( string session, string name)| Increment value in session
array msession_list ( void )| List ... ?
array msession_listvar ( string name)| List sessions with variable
int msession_lock ( string name)| Lock a session
string msession_plugin ( string session, string val [, string param])| Call an escape function within the msession personality plugin
string msession_randstr ( int param)| Get random string
bool msession_set ( string session, string name, string value)| Set value in session
bool msession_set_array ( string session, array tuples)| Set array of ...
bool msession_setdata ( string session, string value)| Set data ... ?
int msession_timeout ( string session [, int param])| Set/get session timeout
string msession_uniq ( int param)| Get uniq id
int msession_unlock ( string session, int key)| Unlock a session
int msg_get_queue ( int key [, int perms])| Create or attach to a message queue
bool msg_receive ( int queue, int desiredmsgtype, int msgtype, int maxsize, mixed message [, bool unserialize [, int flags [, int errorcode]]])| Receive a message from a message queue
bool msg_remove_queue ( int queue)| Destroy a message queue
bool msg_send ( int queue, int msgtype, mixed message [, bool serialize [, bool blocking [, int errorcode]]])| Send a message to a message queue
bool msg_set_queue ( int queue, array data)| Set information in the message queue data structure
array msg_stat_queue ( int queue)| Returns information from the message queue data structure
int msql ( string database, string query, int link_identifier)| Send mSQL query
int msql_affected_rows ( int query_identifier)| Returns number of affected rows
int msql_close ( int link_identifier)| Close mSQL connection
int msql_connect ( [string hostname [, string server [, string username [, string password]]]])| Open mSQL connection
int msql_create_db ( string database_name [, int link_identifier])| Create mSQL database
int msql_createdb ( string database_name [, int link_identifier])| Create mSQL database
int msql_data_seek ( int query_identifier, int row_number)| Move internal row pointer
string msql_dbname ( int query_identifier, int i)| Get current mSQL database name
int msql_drop_db ( string database_name, int link_identifier)| Drop (delete) mSQL database
string msql_error ( [int link_identifier])| Returns error message of last msql call
int msql_fetch_array ( int query_identifier [, int result_type])| Fetch row as array
object msql_fetch_field ( int query_identifier, int field_offset)| Get field information
int msql_fetch_object ( int query_identifier [, int result_type])| Fetch row as object
array msql_fetch_row ( int query_identifier)| Get row as enumerated array
int msql_field_seek ( int query_identifier, int field_offset)| Set field offset
string msql_fieldflags ( int query_identifier, int i)| Get field flags
int msql_fieldlen ( int query_identifier, int i)| Get field length
string msql_fieldname ( int query_identifier, int field)| Get field name
int msql_fieldtable ( int query_identifier, int field)| Get table name for field
string msql_fieldtype ( int query_identifier, int i)| Get field type
int msql_free_result ( int query_identifier)| Free result memory
int msql_list_dbs ( void )| List mSQL databases on server
int msql_list_fields ( string database, string tablename)| List result fields
int msql_list_tables ( string database)| List tables in an mSQL database
int msql_num_fields ( int query_identifier)| Get number of fields in result
int msql_num_rows ( int query_identifier)| Get number of rows in result
int msql_numfields ( int query_identifier)| Get number of fields in result
int msql_numrows ( void )| Get number of rows in result
int msql_pconnect ( [string server [, string username [, string password]]])| Open persistent mSQL connection
int msql_query ( string query, int link_identifier)| Send mSQL query
int msql_result ( int query_identifier, int i, mixed field)| Get result data
int msql_select_db ( string database_name, int link_identifier)| Select mSQL database
string msql_tablename ( int query_identifier, int field)| Get table name of field
int mssql_bind ( int stmt, string param_name, mixed var, int type [, int is_output [, int is_null [, int maxlen]]])| Adiciona um parΓmetro a um stored procedure ou a um remote stored procedure
int mssql_close ( [int link_identifier])| Fecha a conexπo com o servidor MS SQL
int mssql_connect ( [string nomedoservidor [, string username [, string password]]])| Abre uma conexπo com o servidor MS SQL
int mssql_data_seek ( int result_identifier, int row_number)| Move o ponteiro interno da linha
int mssql_execute ( int stmt)| Executa uma stored procedure num banco de dados de um servidor MS SQL
array mssql_fetch_array ( int result [, int result_type])| Retorna uma linha como uma matriz associativa, matriz numΘrica ou ambas
array mssql_fetch_assoc ( int result_id [, int result_type])| Retorna uma matriz associativa da linha atual do conjunto de resultados especificado por result_id
int mssql_fetch_batch ( string result_index)| Retorna o pr≤ximo lote de registros
object mssql_fetch_field ( int result [, int field_offset])| Retorna informaτπo sobre o campo
object mssql_fetch_object ( int result)| Devolve a linha como um objeto
array mssql_fetch_row ( int result)| Retorna uma matriz enumerada
int mssql_field_length ( int result [, int offset])| Retorna o tamanho de um campo
int mssql_field_seek ( int result, int field_offset)| Estabelece o φndice do campo
int mssql_free_result ( int result)| Limpa o resultado da mem≤ria
string mssql_guid_string ( string binary [, int short_format])| Converte um 16 byte binary GUID para uma string
int mssql_init ( string sp_name [, int conn_id])| Inicializa um stored procedure ou um remote stored procedure
bool mssql_next_result ( int result_id)| Move o ponteiro interno do resultado para o pr≤ximo resultado
int mssql_num_fields ( int result)| Retorna o n·mero de campos em um resultado
int mssql_num_rows ( int result)| Retorna o n·mero de linhas em um resultado
int mssql_pconnect ( [string servername [, string username [, string password]]])| Abre uma conexπo persistente com MS SQL
int mssql_query ( string query [, int link_identifier])| Envia uma query ao MS SQL
int mssql_result ( int result, int i, mixed field)| Retorna dados do resultado
int mssql_rows_affected ( int conn_id)| Retorna o n·mero de registros afetados pela query
int mssql_select_db ( string database_name [, int link_identifier])| Seleciona um banco de dados do MS SQL
int mt_getrandmax ( void )| Retorna o maior valor alet≤rio possφvel
int mt_rand ( [int min, int max])| Gerador melhorado de n·meros aleat≤rios
void mt_srand ( int seed)| Semeia o gerador melhorado de n·meros aleat≤rios
int muscat_close ( resource muscat_handle)| Shuts down the muscat session and releases any memory back to PHP.
string muscat_get ( resource muscat_handle)| Gets a line back from the core muscat API.
int muscat_give ( resource muscat_handle, string string)| Sends string to the core muscat API
resource muscat_setup ( int size [, string muscat_dir])| Creates a new muscat session and returns the handle.
resource muscat_setup_net ( string muscat_host, int port)| Creates a new muscat session and returns the handle.
int mysql_affected_rows ( [resource link_identifier])| Devolve o n·mero de linhas afetadas na operaτπo anterior com o MySQL
int mysql_change_user ( string user, string password [, string database [, resource link_identifier]])| Muda o usußrio logado da conexπo ativa
int mysql_client_encoding ( [resource link_identifier])| Retorna o nome do conjunto de caracteres
bool mysql_close ( [resource link_identifier])| Fecha a conexπo com o MySQL
resource mysql_connect ( [string server [, string username [, string password [, bool new_link [, int client_flags]]]]])| Abre uma conexπo com o servidor MySQL
bool mysql_create_db ( string database_name [, resource link_identifier])| Cria um banco de dados do MySQL
bool mysql_data_seek ( resource result_identifier, int row_number)| Move o ponteiro interno do resultado
string mysql_db_name ( resource result, int row [, mixed field])| Retorna os nomes dos bancos de dados
resource mysql_db_query ( string database, string query [, resource link_identifier])| Envia uma query ao MySQL
bool mysql_drop_db ( string database_name [, resource link_identifier])| Apaga um banco de dados do MySQL
int mysql_errno ( [resource link_identifier])| Retorna o valor numΘrico da mensagem de erro da operaτπo anterior do MySQL
string mysql_error ( [resource link_identifier])| Retorna o texto da mensagem de erro da operaτπo anterior do MySQL
string mysql_escape_string ( string unescaped_string)| Escapa uma string para uso com o mysql_query.
array mysql_fetch_array ( resource result [, int result_type])| Busca o resultado de uma linha e o coloca como uma matriz associativa, matriz numΘrica ou ambas.
array mysql_fetch_assoc ( resource result)| Busca o resultado de uma linha e o coloca numa matriz associativa
object mysql_fetch_field ( resource result [, int field_offset])| Retorna informaτπo sobre uma coluna de um resultado como um objeto
array mysql_fetch_lengths ( resource result)| Retorna o tamanho de cada campo do resultado
object mysql_fetch_object ( resource result)| Retorna o resultado de uma linha como um objeto
array mysql_fetch_row ( resource result)| Retorna o resultado de uma linha numa matriz numΘrica
string mysql_field_flags ( resource result, int field_offset)| Pega as flags do campo especificado no resultado
int mysql_field_len ( resource result, int field_offset)| Retorna o tamanho do campo
string mysql_field_name ( resource result, int field_index)| Retorna o nome do campo especificado no resultado de uma query
int mysql_field_seek ( resource result, int field_offset)| Move o ponteiro do resultado para um campo especificado
string mysql_field_table ( resource result, int field_offset)| Retorna o nome da tabela onde esta o campo especificado
string mysql_field_type ( resource result, int field_offset)| Retorna o tipo do campo especificado em um resultado de query
bool mysql_free_result ( resource result)| Libera a mem≤ria do resultado de uma query
string mysql_get_client_info ( void )| Retorna informaτπo da versπo do cliente MySQL
string mysql_get_host_info ( [resource link_identifier])| Retorna informaτπo sobre o host do MySQL
int mysql_get_proto_info ( [resource link_identifier])| Retorna informaτπo do protocolo do MySQL
string mysql_get_server_info ( [resource link_identifier])| Retorna informaτπo do servidor MySQL
string mysql_info ( [resource link_identifier])| Retorna informaτπo sobre a ·ltima query
int mysql_insert_id ( [resource link_identifier])| Retorna o ID gerado da operaτπo INSERT anterior
resource mysql_list_dbs ( [resource link_identifier])| Lista os bancos de dados disponiveis o servidor do MySQL
resource mysql_list_fields ( string database_name, string table_name [, resource link_identifier])| Lista os campos de uma tabela
resource mysql_list_processes ( [resource link_identifier])| Lista os processos MySQL
resource mysql_list_tables ( string database [, resource link_identifier])| Lista as tabelas em um banco de dados MySQL
int mysql_num_fields ( resource result)| Retorna o n·mero de campos no resulatdo
int mysql_num_rows ( resource result)| Retorna o n·mero de linhas em um resultado
resource mysql_pconnect ( [string server [, string username [, string password [, int client_flags]]]])| Abre uma conexπo persistente com um servidor MySQL
bool mysql_ping ( [resource link_identifier])| Pinga uma conexπo ou reconecta se nπo houver conexπo
resource mysql_query ( string query [, resource link_identifier])| Realiza uma query MySQL
string mysql_real_escape_string ( string unescaped_string [, resource link_identifier])| Escapa os caracteres especiais numa string para usar em um comando SQL, levando em conta o conjunto atual de caracteres.
mixed mysql_result ( resource result, int row [, mixed field])| Retorna dados do resultado
bool mysql_select_db ( string database_name [, resource link_identifier])| Seleciona um banco de dados MySQL
string mysql_stat ( [resource link_identifier])| Retorna o status atual do sistema
string mysql_tablename ( resource result, int i)| Retorna o nome da tabela do campo
int mysql_thread_id ( [resource link_identifier])| Returna o ID da thread atual
resource mysql_unbuffered_query ( string query [, resource link_identifier])| Envia uma query para o MySQL, sem retornar e colocar em buffer as linhas do resultado
mixed mysqli_affected_rows ( resource link)| Gets the number of affected rows in a previous MySQL operation
bool mysqli_autocommit ( resource link, bool mode)| Turns on or off auto-commiting database modifications
bool mysqli_bind_param ( resource stmt, mixed variable, int type)| Binds variables to a prepared statement as parameters
bool mysqli_bind_result ( resource stmt, mixed var, int len)| Binds variables to a prepared statement for result storage
bool mysqli_change_user ( resource link, string user, string password, string database)| Changes the user of the specified database connection
string mysqli_character_set_name ( resource link)| Returns the default character set for the database connection
bool mysqli_close ( resource link)| Closes a previously opened database connection
bool mysqli_commit ( resource link)| Commits the current transaction
resource mysqli_connect ( [string hostname [, string username [, string passwd [, string dbname [, int port [, string socket]]]]]])| Open a new connection to the MySQL server
void mysqli_data_seek ( resource result, int offset)| Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitary row in the result
int mysqli_errno ( resource link)| Returns the error code for the most recent function call
string mysqli_error ( resource link)| Returns a string description of the last error
int mysqli_execute ( resource stmt)| Executes a prepared Query
int mysqli_fetch ( resource stmt)| Fetch results from a prepared statement into the bound variables
array mysqli_fetch_array ( resource result [, int resulttype])| Fetch a result row as an associative, a numeric array, or both.
array mysqli_fetch_assoc ( resource result)| Fetch a result row as an associative array
object mysqli_fetch_field ( resource result)| Returns the next field in the result set
int mysqli_fetch_field_direct ( resource result, int offset)| Fetch meta-data for a single field
array mysqli_fetch_fields ( resource result)| Returns an array of objects representing the fields in a result set
array mysqli_fetch_lengths ( resource result)| Returns the lengths of the columns of the current row in the result set
object mysqli_fetch_object ( resource result)| Returns the current row of a result set as an object
array mysqli_fetch_row ( resource result)| Get a result row as an enumerated array
int mysqli_field_count ( resource link)| Returns the number of columns for the most recent query
int mysqli_field_seek ( resource link, int fieldnr)| Set result pointer to a specified field offset
int mysqli_field_tell ( resource result)| Get current field offset of a result pointer
int mysqli_free_result ( resource result)| Frees the memory associated with a result
string mysqli_get_client_info ( void )| Returns the MySQL client version as a string
string mysqli_get_host_info ( resource link)| Returns a string representing the type of connection used
int mysqli_get_proto_info ( resource link)| Returns the version of the MySQL protocol used
string mysqli_get_server_info ( resource link)| Returns the version of the MySQL server
int mysqli_get_server_version ( resource link)| Returns the version of the MySQL server as an integer
string mysqli_info ( resource link)| Retrieves information about the most recently executed query
resource mysqli_init ( void )| Initializes MySQLi and returns a resource for use with mysqli_real_connect
mixed mysqli_insert_id ( resource link)| Returns the auto generated id used in the last query
bool mysqli_kill ( resource link, int processid)| Asks the server to kill a MySQL thread
bool mysqli_master_query ( resource link, string query)| Enforce execution of a query on the master in a master/slave setup
int mysqli_num_fields ( resource result)| Get the number of fields in a result
int mysqli_num_rows ( resource result)| Gets the number of rows in a result
bool mysqli_options ( resource link, int flags, mixed values)| set options
int mysqli_param_count ( resource stmt)| Returns the number of parameter for the given statement
int mysqli_ping ( resource link)| Ping a server connection, or reconnect if there is no connection
resource mysqli_prepare ( resource link, string query)| Prepare a SQL statement for execution
resource mysqli_prepare_result ( resource stmt)|
bool mysqli_profiler ( int flags, string info, int port)|
resource mysqli_query ( resource link, string query [, int resultmode])| Performs a query on the database
bool mysqli_read_query_result ( resource link)|
bool mysqli_real_connect ( resource link [, string hostname [, string username [, string passwd [, string dbname [, int port [, string socket]]]]]])| Opens a connection to a mysql server
string mysqli_real_escape_string ( resource link, string escapestr)| Escapes special characters in a string for use in a SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection
resource mysqli_store_result ( resource link)| Transfers a result set from the last query
int mysqli_thread_id ( resource link)| Returns the thread ID for the current connection
bool mysqli_thread_safe ( void )| Returns whether thread safety is given or not
resource mysqli_use_result ( resource link)| Initiate a result set retrieval
resource mysqli_warning_count ( resource link)| Returns the number of warnings from the last query for the given link
void natcasesort ( array array)| Ordena um array utilizando o algoritmo da "ordem natural" sem diferenciar mai·sculas e min·sculas
void natsort ( array array)| Ordena um array utilizando o algoritmo da "ordem natural"
int ncurses_addch ( int ch)| Add character at current position and advance cursor
int ncurses_addchnstr ( string s, int n)| Add attributed string with specified length at current position
int ncurses_addchstr ( string s)| Add attributed string at current position
int ncurses_addnstr ( string s, int n)| Add string with specified length at current position
int ncurses_addstr ( string text)| Output text at current position
int ncurses_assume_default_colors ( int fg, int bg)| Define default colors for color 0
int ncurses_attroff ( int attributes)| Turn off the given attributes
int ncurses_attron ( int attributes)| Turn on the given attributes
int ncurses_attrset ( int attributes)| Set given attributes
int ncurses_baudrate ( void )| Returns baudrate of terminal
int ncurses_beep ( void )| Let the terminal beep
int ncurses_bkgd ( int attrchar)| Set background property for terminal screen
void ncurses_bkgdset ( int attrchar)| Control screen background
int ncurses_border ( int left, int right, int top, int bottom, int tl_corner, int tr_corner, int bl_corner, int br_corner)| Draw a border around the screen using attributed characters
int ncurses_bottom_panel ( resource panel)| Moves a visible panel to the bottom of the stack
bool ncurses_can_change_color ( void )| Check if we can change terminals colors
bool ncurses_cbreak ( void )| Switch of input buffering
bool ncurses_clear ( void )| Clear screen
bool ncurses_clrtobot ( void )| Clear screen from current position to bottom
bool ncurses_clrtoeol ( void )| Clear screen from current position to end of line
int ncurses_color_content ( int color, int &r, int &g, int &b)| Gets the RGB value for color
int ncurses_color_set ( int pair)| Set fore- and background color
int ncurses_curs_set ( int visibility)| Set cursor state
long ncurses_meta ( resource window, bool 8bit)| Enables/Disable 8-bit meta key information
bool ncurses_mouse_trafo ( int &y, int &x, bool toscreen)| Transforms coordinates
int ncurses_mouseinterval ( int milliseconds)| Set timeout for mouse button clicks
int ncurses_mousemask ( int newmask, int oldmask)| Sets mouse options
int ncurses_move ( int y, int x)| Move output position
int ncurses_move_panel ( resource panel, int startx, int starty)| Moves a panel so that it's upper-left corner is at [startx, starty]
int ncurses_mvaddch ( int y, int x, int c)| Move current position and add character
int ncurses_mvaddchnstr ( int y, int x, string s, int n)| Move position and add attrributed string with specified length
int ncurses_mvaddchstr ( int y, int x, string s)| Move position and add attributed string
int ncurses_mvaddnstr ( int y, int x, string s, int n)| Move position and add string with specified length
int ncurses_mvaddstr ( int y, int x, string s)| Move position and add string
int ncurses_mvcur ( int old_y, int old_x, int new_y, int new_x)| Move cursor immediately
int ncurses_mvdelch ( int y, int x)| Move position and delete character, shift rest of line left
int ncurses_mvgetch ( int y, int x)| Move position and get character at new position
int ncurses_mvhline ( int y, int x, int attrchar, int n)| Set new position and draw a horizontal line using an attributed character and max. n characters long
int ncurses_mvinch ( int y, int x)| Move position and get attributed character at new position
int ncurses_mvvline ( int y, int x, int attrchar, int n)| Set new position and draw a vertical line using an attributed character and max. n characters long
int ncurses_mvwaddstr ( resource window, int y, int x, string text)| Add string at new position in window
int ncurses_napms ( int milliseconds)| Sleep
resource ncurses_new_panel ( resource window)| Create a new panel and associate it with window
resource ncurses_newpad ( int rows, int cols)| Creates a new pad (window)
int ncurses_newwin ( int rows, int cols, int y, int x)| Create a new window
bool ncurses_nl ( void )| Translate newline and carriage return / line feed
bool ncurses_nocbreak ( void )| Switch terminal to cooked mode
bool ncurses_noecho ( void )| Switch off keyboard input echo
bool ncurses_nonl ( void )| Do not translate newline and carriage return / line feed
int ncurses_noqiflush ( void )| Do not flush on signal characters
bool ncurses_noraw ( void )| Switch terminal out of raw mode
int ncurses_pair_content ( int pair, int &f, int &b)| Gets the RGB value for color
int ncurses_panel_above ( resource panel)| Returns the panel above panel. If panel is null, returns the bottom panel in the stack
int ncurses_panel_below ( resource panel)| Returns the panel below panel. If panel is null, returns the top panel in the stack
int ncurses_panel_window ( resource panel)| Returns the window associated with panel
int ncurses_pnoutrefresh ( resource pad, int pminrow, int pmincol, int sminrow, int smincol, int smaxrow, int smaxcol)| Copys a region from a pad into the virtual screen
int ncurses_prefresh ( resource pad, int pminrow, int pmincol, int sminrow, int smincol, int smaxrow, int smaxcol)| Copys a region from a pad into the virtual screen
int ncurses_putp ( string text)|
int ncurses_qiflush ( void )| Flush on signal characters
bool ncurses_raw ( void )| Switch terminal into raw mode
int ncurses_refresh ( int ch)| Refresh screen
int ncurses_replace_panel ( resource panel, resource window)| Replaces the window associated with panel
int ncurses_reset_prog_mode ( void )| Resets the prog mode saved by def_prog_mode
int ncurses_reset_shell_mode ( void )| Resets the shell mode saved by def_shell_mode
bool ncurses_resetty ( void )| Restores saved terminal state
bool ncurses_savetty ( void )| Saves terminal state
int ncurses_scr_dump ( string filename)| Dump screen content to file
int ncurses_scr_init ( string filename)| Initialize screen from file dump
int ncurses_scr_restore ( string filename)| Restore screen from file dump
int ncurses_scr_set ( string filename)| Inherit screen from file dump
int ncurses_scrl ( int count)| Scroll window content up or down without changing current position
int ncurses_show_panel ( resource panel)| Places an invisible panel on top of the stack, making it visible
void ncurses_timeout ( int millisec)| Set timeout for special key sequences
int ncurses_top_panel ( resource panel)| Moves a visible panel to the top of the stack
int ncurses_typeahead ( int fd)| Specify different filedescriptor for typeahead checking
int ncurses_ungetch ( int keycode)| Put a character back into the input stream
bool ncurses_ungetmouse ( array mevent)| Pushes mouse event to queue
void ncurses_update_panels ( void )| Refreshes the virtual screen to reflect the relations between panels in the stack.
bool ncurses_use_default_colors ( void )| Assign terminal default colors to color id -1
void ncurses_use_env ( bool flag)| Control use of environment information about terminal size
int ncurses_use_extended_names ( bool flag)| Control use of extended names in terminfo descriptions
int ncurses_vidattr ( int intarg)|
int ncurses_vline ( int charattr, int n)| Draw a vertical line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
int ncurses_waddch ( resource window, int ch)| Adds character at current position in a window and advance cursor
int ncurses_waddstr ( resource window, string str [, int n])| Outputs text at current postion in window
int ncurses_wattroff ( resource window, int attrs)| Turns off attributes for a window
int ncurses_wattron ( resource window, int attrs)| Turns on attributes for a window
int ncurses_wattrset ( resource window, int attrs)| Set the attributes for a window
int ncurses_wborder ( resource window, int left, int right, int top, int bottom, int tl_corner, int tr_corner, int bl_corner, int br_corner)| Draws a border around the window using attributed characters
int ncurses_wclear ( resource window)| Clears window
int ncurses_wcolor_set ( resource window, int color_pair)| Sets windows color pairings
long ncurses_werase ( resource window)| Erase window contents
int ncurses_wgetch ( resource window)| Reads a character from keyboard (window)
int ncurses_whline ( resource window, int charattr, int n)| Draws a horizontal line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
bool ncurses_wmouse_trafo ( resource window, int &y, int &x, bool toscreen)| Transforms window/stdscr coordinates
int ncurses_wmove ( resource window, int y, int x)| Moves windows output position
int ncurses_wnoutrefresh ( resource window)| Copies window to virtual screen
int ncurses_wrefresh ( resource window)| Refresh window on terminal screen
int ncurses_wstandend ( resource window)| End standout mode for a window
int ncurses_wstandout ( resource window)| Enter standout mode for a window
int ncurses_wvline ( resource window, int charattr, int n)| Draws a vertical line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
mixed next ( array array)| Avanτa o ponteiro interno de um array
string ngettext ( string msgid1, string msgid2, int n)| O mesmo que gettext, mas vocΩ pode especificar mais de uma mensagem
string nl2br ( string string)| Insere quebras de linha HTML antes de todas newlines em uma string
string nl_langinfo ( int item)| Retorna informaτπo de linguagem e local
array notes_body ( string server, string mailbox, int msg_number)| Open the message msg_number in the specified mailbox on the specified server (leave serv
string notes_copy_db ( string from_database_name, string to_database_name)| Create a note using form form_name
bool notes_create_db ( string database_name)| Create a Lotus Notes database
string notes_create_note ( string database_name, string form_name)| Create a note using form form_name
bool notes_drop_db ( string database_name)| Drop a Lotus Notes database
bool notes_find_note ( string database_name, string name [, string type])| Returns a note id found in database_name. Specify the name of the note. Leaving type bla
object notes_header_info ( string server, string mailbox, int msg_number)| Open the message msg_number in the specified mailbox on the specified server (leave serv
bool notes_list_msgs ( string db)| Returns the notes from a selected database_name
string notes_mark_read ( string database_name, string user_name, string note_id)| Mark a note_id as read for the User user_name
string notes_mark_unread ( string database_name, string user_name, string note_id)| Mark a note_id as unread for the User user_name
bool notes_nav_create ( string database_name, string name)| Create a navigator name, in database_name
string notes_search ( string database_name, string keywords)| Find notes that match keywords in database_name
string notes_unread ( string database_name, string user_name)| Returns the unread note id's for the current User user_name
string notes_version ( string database_name)| Get the version Lotus Notes
array nsapi_request_headers ( void )| Fetch all HTTP request headers
array nsapi_response_headers ( void )| Fetch all HTTP response headers
int nsapi_virtual ( string uri)| Perform an NSAPI sub-request
string number_format ( float number [, int decimals])| Formata um n·mero com os milhares agrupados
void ob_clean ( void )| Clean (erase) the output buffer
bool ob_end_clean ( void )| Clean (erase) the output buffer and turn off output buffering
bool ob_end_flush ( void )| Flush (send) the output buffer and turn off output buffering
void ob_flush ( void )| Flush (send) the output buffer
string ob_get_clean ( void )| Get current buffer contents and delete current output buffer
string ob_get_contents ( void )| Return the contents of the output buffer
int ob_get_length ( void )| Return the length of the output buffer
int ob_get_level ( void )| Return the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism
array ob_get_status ( [bool full_status])| Get status of output buffers
string ob_gzhandler ( string buffer [, int mode])| ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer
array ob_iconv_handler ( string contents, int status)| Convert character encoding as output buffer handler
int odbc_binmode ( resource result_id, int mode)| Handling of binary column data
void odbc_close ( resource connection_id)| Close an ODBC connection
void odbc_close_all ( void )| Close all ODBC connections
int odbc_columnprivileges ( resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string table_name [, string column_name]]]])| Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch a list of columns and associated privileges
resource odbc_columns ( resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string schema [, string table_name [, string column_name]]]])| Lists the column names in specified tables. Returns a result identifier containing the information.
bool odbc_commit ( resource connection_id)| Commit an ODBC transaction
resource odbc_connect ( string dsn, string user, string password [, int cursor_type])| Connect to a datasource
string odbc_cursor ( resource result_id)| Get cursorname
resource odbc_data_source ( resource connection_id, constant fetch_type)| Returns information about a current connection
resource odbc_do ( resource conn_id, string query)| Synonym for odbc_exec()
string odbc_error ( [resource connection_id])| Get the last error code
string odbc_errormsg ( [resource connection_id])| Get the last error message
resource odbc_exec ( resource connection_id, string query_string)| Prepare and execute a SQL statement
array odbc_fetch_array ( resource result [, int rownumber])| Fetch a result row as an associative array
bool odbc_fetch_into ( resource result_id [, int rownumber, array result_array])| Fetch one result row into array
object odbc_fetch_object ( resource result [, int rownumber])| Fetch a result row as an object
bool odbc_fetch_row ( resource result_id [, int row_number])| Fetch a row
int odbc_field_len ( resource result_id, int field_number)| Get the length (precision) of a field
string odbc_field_name ( resource result_id, int field_number)| Get the columnname
int odbc_field_num ( resource result_id, string field_name)| Return column number
string odbc_field_precision ( resource result_id, int field_number)| Synonym for odbc_field_len()
string odbc_field_scale ( resource result_id, int field_number)| Get the scale of a field
string odbc_field_type ( resource result_id, int field_number)| Datatype of a field
resource odbc_foreignkeys ( resource connection_id, string pk_qualifier, string pk_owner, string pk_table, string fk_qualifier, string fk_owner, string fk_table)| Returns a list of foreign keys in the specified table or a list of foreign keys in other tables that refer to the primary key in the specified table
bool odbc_free_result ( resource result_id)| Free resources associated with a result
int odbc_gettypeinfo ( resource connection_id [, int data_type])| Returns a result identifier containing information about data types supported by the data source.
int odbc_longreadlen ( resource result_id, int length)| Handling of LONG columns
bool odbc_next_result ( resource result_id)| Checks if multiple results are available
int odbc_num_fields ( resource result_id)| Number of columns in a result
int odbc_num_rows ( resource result_id)| Number of rows in a result
resource odbc_pconnect ( string dsn, string user, string password [, int cursor_type])| Open a persistent database connection
resource odbc_prepare ( resource connection_id, string query_string)| Prepares a statement for execution
resource odbc_primarykeys ( resource connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string table)| Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch the column names that comprise the primary key for a table
resource odbc_procedurecolumns ( resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string proc [, string column]]]])| Retrieve information about parameters to procedures
resource odbc_procedures ( resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string name]]])| Get the list of procedures stored in a specific data source. Returns a result identifier containing the information.
string odbc_result ( resource result_id, mixed field)| Get result data
int odbc_result_all ( resource result_id [, string format])| Print result as HTML table
int odbc_rollback ( resource connection_id)| Rollback a transaction
int odbc_setoption ( resource id, int function, int option, int param)| Adjust ODBC settings. Returns FALSE if an error occurs, otherwise TRUE.
resource odbc_specialcolumns ( resource connection_id, int type, string qualifier, string owner, string table, int scope, int nullable)| Returns either the optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row in the table or columns that are automatically updated when any value in the row is updated by a transaction
resource odbc_statistics ( resource connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string table_name, int unique, int accuracy)| Retrieve statistics about a table
int odbc_tableprivileges ( resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string name]]])| Lists tables and the privileges associated with each table
int odbc_tables ( resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string name [, string types]]]])| Get the list of table names stored in a specific data source. Returns a result identifier containing the information.
resource opendir ( string path)| Abre um manipulador de diret≤rio
int openlog ( string ident, int option, int facility)| Open connection to system logger
bool openssl_csr_export ( resource csr, string &out [, bool notext])| Exports a CSR as a string
bool openssl_csr_export_to_file ( resource csr, string outfilename [, bool notext])| Exports a CSR to a file
resource openssl_csr_sign ( mixed csr, mixed cacert, mixed priv_key, int days)| Sign a CSR with another certificate (or itself) and generate a certificate
bool openssl_pkcs7_verify ( string filename, int flags [, string outfilename [, array cainfo [, string extracerts]]])| Verifies the signature of an S/MIME signed message
bool openssl_pkey_export ( mixed key, string &out [, string passphrase [, array configargs]])| Gets an exportable representation of a key into a string
bool openssl_pkey_export_to_file ( mixed key, string outfilename [, string passphrase [, array configargs]])| Gets an exportable representation of a key into a file
resource openssl_get_privatekey ( mixed key [, string passphrase])| Get a private key
resource openssl_pkey_get_public ( mixed certificate)| Extract public key from certificate and prepare it for use
resource openssl_pkey_new ( [array configargs])| Generates a new private key
bool openssl_private_decrypt ( string data, string &decrypted, mixed key [, int padding])| Decrypts data with private key
bool openssl_private_encrypt ( string data, string crypted, mixed key [, int padding])| Encrypts data with private key
bool openssl_public_decrypt ( string data, string crypted, resource key [, int padding])| Decrypts data with public key
bool openssl_public_encrypt ( string data, string crypted, mixed key [, int padding])| Encrypts data with public key
int openssl_seal ( string data, string sealed_data, array env_keys, array pub_key_ids)| Seal (encrypt) data
bool openssl_x509_check_private_key ( mixed cert, mixed key)| Checks if a private key corresponds to a certificate
bool openssl_x509_checkpurpose ( mixed x509cert, int purpose, array cainfo [, string untrustedfile])| Verifies if a certificate can be used for a particular purpose
bool openssl_x509_export ( mixed x509, string &output [, bool notext])| Exports a certificate as a string
bool openssl_x509_export_to_file ( mixed x509, string outfilename [, bool notext])| Exports a certificate to file
array openssl_x509_parse ( mixed x509cert [, bool shortnames])| Parse an X509 certificate and return the information as an array
resource openssl_x509_read ( mixed x509certdata)| Parse an X.509 certificate and return a resource identifier for it
bool ora_bind ( resource cursor, string PHP_variable_name, string SQL_parameter_name, int length [, int type])| Binds a PHP variable to an Oracle parameter
bool ora_close ( ressource cursor)| Closes an Oracle cursor
string ora_columnname ( resource cursor, int column)| Gets the name of an Oracle result column
int ora_columnsize ( resource cursor, int column)| Returns the size of an Oracle result column
string ora_columntype ( resource cursor, int column)| Gets the type of an Oracle result column
bool ora_commit ( resource conn)| Commit an Oracle transaction
string ora_error ( resource cursor_or_connection)| Gets an Oracle error message
int ora_errorcode ( resource cursor_or_connection)| Gets an Oracle error code
bool ora_exec ( resource cursor)| Execute a parsed statement on an Oracle cursor
bool ora_fetch ( resource cursor)| Fetch a row of data from a cursor
int ora_fetch_into ( resource cursor, array result [, int flags])| Fetch a row into the specified result array
mixed ora_getcolumn ( resource cursor, int column)| Get data from a fetched column
bool ora_logoff ( resource connection)| Close an Oracle connection
resource ora_logon ( string user, string password)| Open an Oracle connection
int ora_numcols ( resource cursor)| Returns the number of columns
int ora_numrows ( resource cursor)| Returns the number of rows
resource ora_open ( resource connection)| Opens an Oracle cursor
bool ora_parse ( resource cursor, string sql_statement, int defer)| Parse an SQL statement with Oracle
resource ora_plogon ( string user, string password)| Open a persistent Oracle connection
bool ora_rollback ( resource connection)| Rolls back a transaction
int ord ( string string)| Retorna o valor ASCII do caractere
void overload ( [string class_name])| Ativa a chamada sobrecarregada de propriedades e mΘtodos para uma classe
void ovrimos_close ( int connection)| Closes the connection to ovrimos
int ovrimos_commit ( int connection_id)| Commits the transaction
int ovrimos_connect ( string host, string db, string user, string password)| Connect to the specified database
int ovrimos_cursor ( int result_id)| Returns the name of the cursor
int ovrimos_exec ( int connection_id, string query)| Executes an SQL statement
bool ovrimos_execute ( int result_id [, array parameters_array])| Executes a prepared SQL statement
bool ovrimos_fetch_into ( int result_id, array result_array [, string how [, int rownumber]])| Fetches a row from the result set
bool ovrimos_fetch_row ( int result_id [, int how [, int row_number]])| Fetches a row from the result set
int ovrimos_field_len ( int result_id, int field_number)| Returns the length of the output column
int ovrimos_field_name ( int result_id, int field_number)| Returns the output column name
int ovrimos_field_num ( int result_id, string field_name)| Returns the (1-based) index of the output column
int ovrimos_field_type ( int result_id, int field_number)| Returns the (numeric) type of the output column
bool ovrimos_free_result ( int result_id)| Frees the specified result_id
int ovrimos_longreadlen ( int result_id, int length)| Specifies how many bytes are to be retrieved from long datatypes
int ovrimos_num_fields ( int result_id)| Returns the number of columns
int ovrimos_num_rows ( int result_id)| Returns the number of rows affected by update operations
int ovrimos_prepare ( int connection_id, string query)| Prepares an SQL statement
int ovrimos_result ( int result_id, mixed field)| Retrieves the output column
bool ovrimos_result_all ( int result_id [, string format])| Prints the whole result set as an HTML table
int ovrimos_rollback ( int connection_id)| Rolls back the transaction
string pack ( string format [, mixed args])| Pack data into binary string.
array parse_ini_file ( string nomedoarquivo [, bool processar_secoes])| Interpreta um arquivo de configuraτπo
void parse_str ( string str [, array arr])| Converte a string em varißveis
array parse_url ( string url)| Separa uma URL e retorna seus componentes
void passthru ( string command [, int return_var])| Execute an external program and display raw output
array pathinfo ( string path)| Retorna informaτπo sobre o path de um arquivo
int pclose ( int fp)| Fecha um processo de um ponteiro de arquivo
bool pcntl_exec ( string path [, array args [, array envs]])| Executes specified program in current process space
int pcntl_fork ( void )| Forks the currently running process
bool pcntl_signal ( int signo, callback handle [, bool restart_syscalls])| Installs a signal handler
int pcntl_waitpid ( int pid, int &status, int options)| Waits on or returns the status of a forked child
int pcntl_wexitstatus ( int status)| Returns the return code of a terminated child
int pcntl_wifexited ( int status)| Returns TRUE if status code represents a successful exit
int pcntl_wifsignaled ( int status)| Returns TRUE if status code represents a termination due to a signal
int pcntl_wifstopped ( int status)| Returns TRUE if child process is currently stopped
int pcntl_wstopsig ( int status)| Returns the signal which caused the child to stop
int pcntl_wtermsig ( int status)| Returns the signal which caused the child to terminate
int pdf_add_bookmark ( int pdf_object, string text [, int parent [, int open]])| Adds bookmark for current page
int pdf_add_launchlink ( int pdf_object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename)| Add a launch annotation for current page
int pdf_add_locallink ( int pdf_object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, int page, string dest)| Add a link annotation for current page
int pdf_add_note ( int pdf_object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string contents, string title, string icon, int open)| Add a note annotation for current page
int pdf_add_pdflink ( int pdf_object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename, int page, string dest)| Adds file link annotation for current page
int pdf_add_thumbnail ( int pdf_object, int image)| Adds thumbnail for current page
int pdf_add_weblink ( int pdf_object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string url)| Adds weblink for current page
void pdf_arc ( resource pdf_object, float x, float y, float r, float alpha, float beta)| Draws an arc (counterclockwise)
void pdf_arcn ( resource pdf_object, float x, float y, float r, float alpha, float beta)| Draws an arc (clockwise)
int pdf_attach_file ( int pdf_object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename, string description, string author, string mimetype, string icon)| Adds a file attachement for current page
void pdf_begin_page ( int pdf_object, float width, float height)| Starts new page
int pdf_begin_pattern ( int pdf_object, float width, float height, float xstep, float ystep, int painttype)| Starts new pattern
int pdf_begin_template ( int pdf_object, float width, float height)| Starts new template
void pdf_circle ( int pdf_object, float x, float y, float r)| Draws a circle
void pdf_clip ( int pdf_object)| Clips to current path
void pdf_close ( int pdf_object)| Closes a pdf object
void pdf_close_image ( int pdf_object, int image)| Closes an image
void pdf_close_pdi ( int pdf_object, int dochandle)| Close the input PDF document
void pdf_close_pdi_page ( int pdf_object, int pagehandle)| Close the page handle
void pdf_closepath ( int pdf_object)| Closes path
void pdf_closepath_fill_stroke ( int pdf_object)| Closes, fills and strokes current path
void pdf_closepath_stroke ( int pdf_object)| Closes path and draws line along path
void pdf_concat ( int pdf_object, float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f)| Concatenate a matrix to the CTM
void pdf_continue_text ( int pdf_object, string text)| Outputs text in next line
void pdf_curveto ( int pdf_object, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)| Draws a curve
void pdf_delete ( int pdf_object)| Deletes a PDF object
void pdf_end_page ( int pdf_object)| Ends a page
void pdf_end_pattern ( int pdf_object)| Finish pattern
void pdf_end_template ( int pdf_object)| Finish template
void pdf_fill ( int pdf_object)| Fills current path
void pdf_fill_stroke ( int pdf_object)| Fills and strokes current path
int pdf_findfont ( int pdf_object, string fontname, string encoding, int embed)| Prepare font for later use with pdf_setfont().
string pdf_get_buffer ( int pdf_object)| Fetch the buffer containig the generated PDF data.
string pdf_get_image_height ( int pdf_object, int image)| Returns height of an image
string pdf_get_image_width ( int pdf_object, int image)| Returns width of an image
int pdf_get_majorversion ( void )| Returns the major version number of the PDFlib
int pdf_get_majorversion ( void )| Returns the minor version number of the PDFlib
string pdf_get_parameter ( int pdf_object, string key [, float modifier])| Gets certain parameters
string pdf_get_pdi_parameter ( int pdf_object, string key, int doc, int page, int index)| Get some PDI string parameters
string pdf_get_pdi_value ( int pdf_object, string key, int doc, int page, int index)| Gets some PDI numerical parameters
float pdf_get_value ( int pdf_object, string key [, float modifier])| Gets certain numerical value
void pdf_initgraphics ( int pdf_object)| Resets graphic state
void pdf_lineto ( int pdf_object, float x, float y)| Draws a line
void pdf_makespotcolor ( int pdf_object, string spotname)| Makes a spotcolor
void pdf_moveto ( int pdf_object, float x, float y)| Sets current point
int pdf_new ( )| Creates a new pdf object
int pdf_open_CCITT ( int pdf_object, string filename, int width, int height, int BitReverse, int k, int Blackls1)| Opens a new image file with raw CCITT data
int pdf_open_file ( int pdf_object [, string filename])| Opens a new pdf object
int pdf_open_image ( int PDF-document, string imagetype, string source, string data, long length, int width, int height, int components, int bpc, string params)| Versatile function for images
int pdf_open_image_file ( int PDF-document, string imagetype, string filename [, string stringparam [, string intparam]])| Reads an image from a file
int pdf_open_memory_image ( int pdf_object, int image)| Opens an image created with PHP's image functions
int pdf_open_pdi ( int pdf_object, string filename, string stringparam, int intparam)| Opens a PDF file
int pdf_open_pdi_page ( int pdf_object, int dochandle, int pagenumber, string pagelabel)| Prepare a page
int pdf_open_tiff ( int PDF-document, string filename)| Deprecated: Opens a TIFF image
void pdf_place_image ( int pdf_object, int image, float x, float y, float scale)| Places an image on the page
void pdf_place_pdi_page ( int pdf_object, int page, float x, float y, float sx, float sy)| Places an image on the page
void pdf_rect ( int pdf_object, float x, float y, float width, float height)| Draws a rectangle
void pdf_restore ( int pdf_object)| Restores formerly saved environment
void pdf_rotate ( int pdf_object, float phi)| Sets rotation
void pdf_save ( int pdf_object)| Saves the current environment
void pdf_setrgbcolor ( int pdf_object, float red_value, float green_value, float blue_value)| Sets drawing and filling color to rgb color value
void pdf_setrgbcolor_fill ( int pdf_object, float red_value, float green_value, float blue_value)| Sets filling color to rgb color value
void pdf_setrgbcolor_stroke ( int pdf_object, float red_value, float green_value, float blue_value)| Sets drawing color to rgb color value
void pdf_show ( int pdf_object, string text)| Output text at current position
int pdf_show_boxed ( int pdf_object, string text, float left, float top, float width, float height, string hmode [, string feature])| Output text in a box
void pdf_show_xy ( int pdf_object, string text, float x, float y)| Output text at given position
void pdf_skew ( int pdf_object, float alpha, float beta)| Skews the coordinate system
float pdf_stringwidth ( int pdf_object, string text [, int font [, float size]])| Returns width of text using current font
void pdf_stroke ( int pdf_object)| Draws line along path
void pdf_translate ( int pdf_object, float tx, float ty)| Sets origin of coordinate system
void pfpro_cleanup ( void )| Shuts down the Payflow Pro library
void pfpro_init ( void )| Initialises the Payflow Pro library
array pfpro_process ( array parameters [, string address [, int port [, int timeout [, string proxy_address [, int proxy_port [, string proxy_logon [, string proxy_password]]]]]]])| Process a transaction with Payflow Pro
string pfpro_process_raw ( string parameters [, string address [, int port [, int timeout [, string proxy_address [, int proxy_port [, string proxy_logon [, string proxy_password]]]]]]])| Process a raw transaction with Payflow Pro
string pfpro_version ( void )| Returns the version of the Payflow Pro software
int pfsockopen ( string hostname, int port [, int errno [, string errstr [, int timeout]]])| Open persistent Internet or Unix domain socket connection
int pg_affected_rows ( resource result)| Retorna o n·mero de registros afetados (linhas)
bool pg_cancel_query ( resource connection)| Cancela uma consulta (query) assφncrona
string pg_client_encoding ( [resource connection])| Retorna a codificaτπo do cliente
bool pg_close ( resource connection)| Fecha uma conexπo PostgreSQL
resource pg_connect ( string connection_string)| Abre uma conexπo PostgreSQL
bool pg_connection_busy ( resource connection)| Verifica se a conexπo estß ocupada ou nπo
bool pg_connection_reset ( resource connection)| Reinicia uma conexπo (reconecta)
int pg_connection_status ( resource connection)| Retorna o status da conexπo
array pg_convert ( resource connection, string table_name, array assoc_array [, int options])| Converte os valores de um array associativo em uma declaraτπo SQL apropriada.
bool pg_copy_from ( resource connection, string table_name, array rows [, string delimiter [, string null_as]])| Insere registros em uma tabela a partir de um array
int pg_copy_to ( resource connection, string table_name [, string delimiter [, string null_as]])| Copia uma tabela em um array
string pg_dbname ( resource connection)| Retorna o nome do banco de dados
mixed preg_replace ( mixed pattern, mixed replacement, mixed subject [, int limit])| Perform a regular expression search and replace
mixed preg_replace_callback ( mixed pattern, callback callback, mixed subject [, int limit])| Perform a regular expression search and replace using a callback
array preg_split ( string pattern, string subject [, int limit [, int flags]])| Split string by a regular expression
mixed prev ( array array)| Retrocede o ponteiro interno de um array
int print ( string arg)| Mostra uma string
bool print_r ( mixed expression [, bool return])| Prints human-readable information about a variable
void printer_abort ( resource handle)| Deletes the printer's spool file
void printer_close ( resource handle)| Close an open printer connection
mixed printer_create_brush ( int style, string color)| Create a new brush
void printer_create_dc ( resource handle)| Create a new device context
mixed printer_create_font ( string face, int height, int width, int font_weight, bool italic, bool underline, bool strikeout, int orientaton)| Create a new font
mixed printer_create_pen ( int style, int width, string color)| Create a new pen
bool printer_delete_brush ( resource handle)| Delete a brush
bool printer_delete_dc ( resource handle)| Delete a device context
bool printer_delete_font ( resource handle)| Delete a font
bool printer_delete_pen ( resource handle)| Delete a pen
void printer_draw_bmp ( resource handle, string filename, int x, int y)| Draw a bmp
void printer_draw_chord ( resource handle, int rec_x, int rec_y, int rec_x1, int rec_y1, int rad_x, int rad_y, int rad_x1, int rad_y1)| Draw a chord
void printer_draw_elipse ( resource handle, int ul_x, int ul_y, int lr_x, int lr_y)| Draw an ellipse
void printer_draw_line ( resource printer_handle, int from_x, int from_y, int to_x, int to_y)| Draw a line
void printer_draw_pie ( resource handle, int rec_x, int rec_y, int rec_x1, int rec_y1, int rad1_x, int rad1_y, int rad2_x, int rad2_y)| Draw a pie
void printer_draw_rectangle ( resource handle, int ul_x, int ul_y, int lr_x, int lr_y)| Draw a rectangle
void printer_draw_roundrect ( resource handle, int ul_x, int ul_y, int lr_x, int lr_y, int width, int height)| Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
void printer_draw_text ( resource printer_handle, string text, int x, int y)| Draw text
bool printer_end_doc ( resource handle)| Close document
bool printer_end_page ( resource handle)| Close active page
array printer_list ( int enumtype [, string name [, int level]])| Return an array of printers attached to the server
int printer_logical_fontheight ( resource handle, int height)| Get logical font height
mixed printer_open ( [string devicename])| Open connection to a printer
void printer_select_brush ( resource printer_handle, resource brush_handle)| Select a brush
void printer_select_font ( resource printer_handle, resource font_handle)| Select a font
void printer_select_pen ( resource printer_handle, resource pen_handle)| Select a pen
bool printer_set_option ( resource handle, int option, mixed value)| Configure the printer connection
bool printer_start_doc ( resource handle [, string document])| Start a new document
bool printer_start_page ( resource handle)| Start a new page
bool printer_write ( resource handle, string content)| Write data to the printer
void printf ( string format [, mixed args])| Mostra uma string formatada
int proc_close ( resource process)| Close a process opened by proc_open() and return the exit code of that process.
int proc_get_status ( resource process)| Get information about a process opened by proc_open()
bool proc_nice ( int priority)| Change the priority of the current process
resource proc_open ( string cmd, array descriptorspec, array pipes)| Execute a command and open file pointers for input/output
int proc_terminate ( resource process [, int signal])| kills a process opened by proc_open
int pspell_add_to_personal ( int dictionary_link, string word)| Add the word to a personal wordlist
int pspell_add_to_session ( int dictionary_link, string word)| Add the word to the wordlist in the current session
bool pspell_check ( int dictionary_link, string word)| Check a word
int pspell_clear_session ( int dictionary_link)| Clear the current session
int pspell_config_create ( string language [, string spelling [, string jargon [, string encoding]]])| Create a config used to open a dictionary
int pspell_config_ignore ( int dictionary_link, int n)| Ignore words less than N characters long
int pspell_config_mode ( int dictionary_link, int mode)| Change the mode number of suggestions returned
int pspell_config_personal ( int dictionary_link, string file)| Set a file that contains personal wordlist
int pspell_config_repl ( int dictionary_link, string file)| Set a file that contains replacement pairs
int pspell_config_runtogether ( int dictionary_link, bool flag)| Consider run-together words as valid compounds
int pspell_config_save_repl ( int dictionary_link, bool flag)| Determine whether to save a replacement pairs list along with the wordlist
int pspell_new ( string language [, string spelling [, string jargon [, string encoding [, int mode]]]])| Load a new dictionary
int pspell_new_config ( int config)| Load a new dictionary with settings based on a given config
int pspell_new_personal ( string personal, string language [, string spelling [, string jargon [, string encoding [, int mode]]]])| Load a new dictionary with personal wordlist
int pspell_save_wordlist ( int dictionary_link)| Save the personal wordlist to a file
int pspell_store_replacement ( int dictionary_link, string misspelled, string correct)| Store a replacement pair for a word
array pspell_suggest ( int dictionary_link, string word)| Suggest spellings of a word
void putenv ( string setting)| Sets the value of an environment variable
string qdom_error ( void )| Returns the error string from the last QDOM operation or FALSE if no errors occured
object qdom_tree ( string )| creates a tree of an xml string
string quoted_printable_decode ( string str)| Converte uma string quoted-printable para uma string de 8 bit
string quotemeta ( string str)| Adiciona uma barra invertida antes dos meta caracteres
float rad2deg ( float number)| Converte o n·mero em radianos para o equivalente em graus
int rand ( [int min, int max])| Gera um n·mero aleat≤rio
array range ( mixed low, mixed high [, int step])| Cria um array contendo uma faixa de elementos
string set_include_path ( string new_include_path)| Sets the include_path configuration option
bool set_magic_quotes_runtime ( int new_setting)| Sets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime
void set_time_limit ( int seconds)| Limits the maximum execution time
bool setcookie ( string name [, string value [, int expire [, string path [, string domain [, int secure]]]]])| Send a cookie
string setlocale ( mixed category, string locale [, string ...])| Set locale information
bool settype ( mixed var, string type)| Set the type of a variable
string sha1 ( string str [, bool raw_output])| Calcula a hash sha1 de uma string
string sha1_file ( string nomedoarquivo [, bool raw_output])| Calcula a hash sha1 de um arquivo
string shell_exec ( string cmd)| Execute command via shell and return complete output as string
int shm_attach ( int key [, int memsize [, int perm]])| Creates or open a shared memory segment
bool shm_detach ( int shm_identifier)| Disconnects from shared memory segment
mixed shm_get_var ( int id, int variable_key)| Returns a variable from shared memory
int shm_put_var ( int shm_identifier, int variable_key, mixed variable)| Inserts or updates a variable in shared memory
int shm_remove ( int shm_identifier)| Removes shared memory from Unix systems
int shm_remove_var ( int id, int variable_key)| Removes a variable from shared memory
int shmop_close ( int shmid)| Close shared memory block
int shmop_delete ( int shmid)| Delete shared memory block
int shmop_open ( int key, string flags, int mode, int size)| Create or open shared memory block
string shmop_read ( int shmid, int start, int count)| Read data from shared memory block
int shmop_size ( int shmid)| Get size of shared memory block
int shmop_write ( int shmid, string data, int offset)| Write data into shared memory block
void shuffle ( array array)| Mistura os elementos de um array
int similar_text ( string first, string second [, float percent])| Calculate the similarity between two strings
float sin ( float arg)| Seno
float sinh ( float arg)| Seno hiperb≤lico
int sizeof ( mixed var)| Retorna o n·mero de elementos de uma varißvel
void sleep ( int seconds)| Atrasa a execuτπo do script
bool snmp_get_quick_print ( void )| Fetches the current value of the UCD library's quick_print setting
void snmp_set_quick_print ( bool quick_print)| Set the value of quick_print within the UCD SNMP library
string snmpget ( string hostname, string community, string object_id [, int timeout [, int retries]])| Fetch an SNMP object
array snmprealwalk ( string host, string community, string object_id [, int timeout [, int retries]])| Return all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one
bool snmpset ( string hostname, string community, string object_id, string type, mixed value [, int timeout [, int retries]])| Set an SNMP object
array snmpwalk ( string hostname, string community, string object_id [, int timeout [, int retries]])| Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent
array snmpwalkoid ( string hostname, string community, string object_id [, int timeout [, int retries]])| Query for a tree of information about a network entity
resource socket_accept ( resource socket)| Accepts a connection on a socket
bool socket_bind ( resource socket, string address [, int port])| Binds a name to a socket
void socket_clear_error ( [resource socket])| Clears the error on the socket or the last error code
void socket_close ( resource socket)| Closes a socket resource
bool socket_connect ( resource socket, string address [, int port])| Initiates a connection on a socket
resource socket_create ( int domain, int type, int protocol)| Create a socket (endpoint for communication)
resource socket_create_listen ( int port [, int backlog])| Opens a socket on port to accept connections
bool socket_create_pair ( int domain, int type, int protocol, array &fd)| Creates a pair of indistinguishable sockets and stores them in fds.
mixed socket_get_option ( resource socket, int level, int optname)| Gets socket options for the socket
bool socket_getpeername ( resource socket, string &addr [, int &port])| Queries the remote side of the given socket which may either result in host/port or in a UNIX filesystem path, dependent on its type.
bool socket_getsockname ( resource socket, string &addr [, int &port])| Queries the local side of the given socket which may either result in host/port or in a UNIX filesystem path, dependent on its type.
bool socket_iovec_add ( resource iovec, int iov_len)| Adds a new vector to the scatter/gather array
resource socket_iovec_alloc ( int num_vectors [, int ])| Builds a 'struct iovec' for use with sendmsg, recvmsg, writev, and readv
bool socket_iovec_delete ( resource iovec, int iov_pos)| Deletes a vector from an array of vectors
string socket_iovec_fetch ( resource iovec, int iovec_position)| Returns the data held in the iovec specified by iovec_id[iovec_position]
bool socket_iovec_free ( resource iovec)| Frees the iovec specified by iovec_id
bool socket_iovec_set ( resource iovec, int iovec_position, string new_val)| Sets the data held in iovec_id[iovec_position] to new_val
int socket_last_error ( [resource socket])| Returns the last error on the socket
bool socket_listen ( resource socket [, int backlog])| Listens for a connection on a socket
string socket_read ( resource socket, int length [, int type])| Reads a maximum of length bytes from a socket
bool socket_readv ( resource socket, resource iovec_id)| Reads from an fd, using the scatter-gather array defined by iovec_id
int socket_recv ( resource socket, string &buf, int len, int flags)| Receives data from a connected socket
int socket_recvfrom ( resource socket, string &buf, int len, int flags, string &name [, int &port])| Receives data from a socket, connected or not
bool socket_recvmsg ( resource socket, resource iovec, array &control, int &controllen, int &flags, string &addr [, int &port])| Used to receive messages on a socket, whether connection-oriented or not
int socket_select ( array &read, array &write, array &except, int tv_sec [, int tv_usec])| Runs the select() system call on the given arrays of sockets with a specified timeout
int socket_send ( resource socket, string buf, int len, int flags)| Sends data to a connected socket
bool socket_sendmsg ( resource socket, resource iovec, int flags, string addr [, int port])| Sends a message to a socket, regardless of whether it is connection-oriented or not
int socket_sendto ( resource socket, string buf, int len, int flags, string addr [, int port])| Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not
bool socket_set_block ( resource socket)| Sets blocking mode on a socket resource
bool socket_set_option ( resource socket, int level, int optname, mixed optval)| Sets socket options for the socket
bool socket_shutdown ( resource socket [, int how])| Shuts down a socket for receiving, sending, or both.
string socket_strerror ( int errno)| Return a string describing a socket error
int socket_write ( resource socket, string buffer [, int length])| Write to a socket
bool socket_writev ( resource socket, resource iovec_id)| Writes to a file descriptor, fd, using the scatter-gather array defined by iovec_id
void sort ( array array [, int sort_flags])| Ordena um array
string soundex ( string str)| Calculate the soundex key of a string
array split ( string expressao, string variavel [, int limite])| Separa strings em matrizes(array) utilizando express⌡es regulares
array spliti ( string expressao, string variavel [, int limite])| Separa strings em matrizes(array) utilizando express⌡es regulares insensφveis a mai·sculas e min·sculas
string sql_regcase ( string variavel)| Cria express⌡es regulares insensφveis a mai·sculas e min·sculas.
array sqlite_array_query ( resource db, string query [, int result_type [, bool decode_binary]])| Executa uma query ao banco de dados e retorna uma matriz
void sqlite_busy_timeout ( resource dbhandle, int milliseconds)| Set busy timeout duration, or disable busy handlers.
int sqlite_changes ( resource dbhandle)| Returns the number of rows that were changed by the most recent SQL statement.
void sqlite_close ( resource database)| Fercha um banco de dados SQLite que esteja aberto.
mixed sqlite_column ( resource result, mixed index_or_name [, bool decode_binary])| Fetches a column from the current row of a result set.
bool sqlite_create_aggregate ( resource dbhandle, string function_name, mixed step_func, mixed finalize_func [, int num_args])| Register an aggregating UDF for use in SQL statements.
bool sqlite_create_function ( resource dbhandle, string function_name, mixed callback [, int num_args])| Registers a "regular" User Defined Function for use in SQL statements.
array sqlite_current ( resource result [, int result_type [, bool decode_binary]])| Fetches the current row from a result set as an array.
string sqlite_error_string ( int error_code)| Retorna a descriτπo textual de um c≤digo de erro
string sqlite_escape_string ( string item)| Escapa uma string para ser usada como um parΓmetro em uma query
array sqlite_fetch_array ( resource result [, int result_type [, bool decode_binary]])| ObtΘm a pr≤xima linha de um resultado como uma matriz.
string sqlite_fetch_single ( resource result [, int result_type [, bool decode_binary]])| Fetches the first column of a result set as a string.
string sqlite_field_name ( resource result, int field_index)| Returns the name of a particular field.
bool sqlite_has_more ( resource result)| Returns whether or not more rows are available.
int sqlite_last_error ( resource db)| Retorna o c≤digo de erro para o ·ltimo erro de um banco de dados
int sqlite_last_insert_rowid ( resource dbhandle)| Returns the rowid of the most recently inserted row.
string sqlite_libencoding ( void )| Returns the encoding of the linked SQLite library.
string sqlite_libversion ( void )| Returns the version of the linked SQLite library.
bool sqlite_next ( resource result)| Seek to the next row number.
int sqlite_num_fields ( resource result)| Returns the number of fields in a result set.
int sqlite_num_rows ( resource result)| Returns the number of rows in a buffered result set.
resource sqlite_open ( string filename [, int mode [, string &errmessage]])| Abre um banco de dados SQLite. Irß criar o banco de dados se ele nπo existir
resource sqlite_popen ( string filename [, int mode [, string &error_message]])| Opens a persistent handle to an SQLite database. Will create the database if it does not exist.
resource sqlite_query ( resource dbhandle, string query)| Executes a query against a given database and returns a result handle.
bool sqlite_rewind ( resource result)| Seek to the first row number.
bool sqlite_seek ( resource result, int rownum)| Seek to a particular row number of a buffered result set.
string sqlite_udf_decode_binary ( string data)| Decode binary data passed as parameters to an UDF.
string sqlite_udf_encode_binary ( string data)| Encode binary data before returning it from an UDF.
resource sqlite_unbuffered_query ( resource dbhandle, string query)| Execute a query that does not prefetch and buffer all data
float sqrt ( float arg)| Raiz quadrada
void srand ( int seed)| Semeia o gerador de n·meros alet≤rios
mixed sscanf ( string str, string format [, string var1])| Parses input from a string according to a format
array stat ( string nomedoarquivo)| Obtem informaτ⌡es sobre um arquivo
mixed str_ireplace ( mixed search, mixed replace, mixed subject [, int &count])| Case-insensitive version of str_replace().
string str_pad ( string input, int pad_length [, string pad_string [, int pad_type]])| Preenche uma string para um certo tamanho com outra string
string str_repeat ( string input, int multiplier)| Repeat a string
mixed str_replace ( mixed search, mixed replace, mixed subject [, int &count])| Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string
string str_rot13 ( string str)| Perform the rot13 transform on a string
string str_shuffle ( string str)| Randomly shuffles a string
array str_split ( string string [, int split_length])| Convert a string to an array
mixed str_word_count ( string string [, int format])| Return information about words used in a string
int strcmp ( string str1, string str2)| Comparaτπo de string segura para binßrio
int strcoll ( string str1, string str2)| Comparaτπo de string baseada no local
int strcspn ( string str1, string str2)| Encontra o tamanho do segmento inicial que nπo contenha a mascara
resource stream_context_create ( array options)| Create a streams context
array stream_context_get_options ( resource stream|context)| Retrieve options for a stream/wrapper/context
bool stream_context_set_option ( resource context|stream, string wrapper, string option, mixed value)| Sets an option for a stream/wrapper/context
bool stream_context_set_params ( resource stream|context, array params)| Set parameters for a stream/wrapper/context
int stream_copy_to_stream ( resource source, resource dest [, int maxlength])| Copies data from one stream to another
bool stream_filter_append ( resource stream, string filtername [, int read_write [, string params]])| Attach a filter to a stream.
bool stream_filter_prepend ( resource stream, string filtername [, int read_write [, string params]])| Attach a filter to a stream.
bool stream_filter_register ( string filtername, string classname)| Register a stream filter implemented as a PHP class derived from php_user_filter
array stream_get_filters ( void )| Retrieve list of registered filters
string stream_get_line ( resource handle, int length, string ending)| Gets line from stream resource up to a given delimiter
array stream_get_meta_data ( resource stream)| Retrieves header/meta data from streams/file pointers
array stream_get_transports ( void )| Retrieve list of registered socket transports
array stream_get_wrappers ( void )| Retrieve list of registered streams
int stream_select ( resource &read, resource &write, resource &except, int tv_sec [, int tv_usec])| Runs the equivalent of the select() system call on the given arrays of streams with a timeout specified by tv_sec and tv_usec
bool stream_set_blocking ( resource stream, int mode)| Set blocking/non-blocking mode on a stream
bool stream_set_timeout ( resource stream, int seconds [, int microseconds])| Set timeout period on a stream
int stream_set_write_buffer ( resource stream, int buffer)| Sets file buffering on the given stream
resource stream_socket_accept ( resource server_socket [, int timeout [, string &peername]])| Accept a connection on a socket created by stream_socket_server()
resource stream_socket_client ( string remote_socket [, int &errno [, string &errstr [, float timeout [, int flags [, resource context]]]]])| Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection
string stream_socket_get_name ( resource handle, bool want_peer)| Retrieve the name of the local or remote sockets
resource stream_socket_server ( string local_socket [, int &errno [, string &errstr [, int flags [, resource context]]]])| Create an Internet or Unix domain server socket
bool stream_wrapper_register ( string protocol, string classname)| Register a URL wrapper implemented as a PHP class
string strftime ( string format [, int timestamp])| Formata uma hora/data de acordo com as configuraτ⌡es locais
string strip_tags ( string str [, string allowable_tags])| Retira as tags HTML e PHP de uma string
string stripcslashes ( string str)| Desfaz o efeito de addcslashes()
int stripos ( string haystack, string needle [, int offset])| Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string
string stripslashes ( string str)| Desfaz o efeito de addslashes()
bool sybase_set_message_handler ( callback handler)| Sets the handler called when a server message is raised
resource sybase_unbuffered_query ( string query, resource link_identifier)| Send a Sybase query and do not block
int symlink ( string alvo, string link)| Cria um link simb≤lico
int syslog ( int priority, string message)| Generate a system log message
string system ( string command [, int return_var])| Execute an external program and display output
float tan ( float arg)| Tangente
float tanh ( float arg)| Tangente hiperb≤lica
string tempnam ( string dir, string prefix)| Cria um nome de arquivo ·nico
string textdomain ( string text_domain)| Seta o domφnio padrπo
int hour ( void )| Retorna o timestamp UNIX
int arqtmp ( void )| Cria um arquivo temporßrio
array token_get_all ( string source)| Split given source into PHP tokens
string token_name ( int token)| Get the symbolic name of a given PHP token
int touch ( string filename [, int time [, int atime]])| Muda o tempo de modificaτπo do arquivo
void trigger_error ( string error_msg [, int error_type])| Generates a user-level error/warning/notice message
string trim ( string str [, string charlist])| Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of a string
void uasort ( array array, function cmp_function)| Ordena um array utilizando uma funτπo de comparaτπo definida pelo usußrio e mantendo as associaτ⌡es entre chaves e valores
string ucfirst ( string str)| Make a string's first character uppercase
string ucwords ( string str)| Uppercase the first character of each word in a string
bool udm_add_search_limit ( resource agent, int var, string val)| Add various search limits
void vprintf ( string format, array args)| Output a formatted string
string vsprintf ( string format, array args)| Return a formatted string
bool w32api_deftype ( string typename, string member1_type, string member1_name [, string ... [, string ...]])| Defines a type for use with other w32api_functions
resource w32api_init_dtype ( string typename, mixed value [, mixed ...])| Creates an instance of the data type typename and fills it with the values passed
mixed w32api_invoke_function ( string funcname, mixed argument [, mixed ...])| Invokes function funcname with the arguments passed after the function name
bool w32api_register_function ( string library, string function_name, string return_type)| Registers function function_name from library with PHP
void w32api_set_call_method ( int method)| Sets the calling method used
bool wddx_add_vars ( int packet_id, mixed name_var [, mixed ...])| Add variables to a WDDX packet with the specified ID
mixed wddx_deserialize ( string packet)| Deserializes a WDDX packet
string wddx_packet_end ( int packet_id)| Ends a WDDX packet with the specified ID
int wddx_packet_start ( [string comment])| Starts a new WDDX packet with structure inside it
string wddx_serialize_value ( mixed var [, string comment])| Serialize a single value into a WDDX packet
string wddx_serialize_vars ( mixed var_name [, mixed ...])| Serialize variables into a WDDX packet
string wordwrap ( string str [, int width [, string break [, boolean cut]]])| Quebra uma string em linhas usando um caractere de quebra de linha.
string xml_error_string ( int code)| get XML parser error string
int xml_get_current_byte_index ( resource parser)| get current byte index for an XML parser
int xml_get_current_column_number ( resource parser)| Get current column number for an XML parser
int xml_get_current_line_number ( resource parser)| get current line number for an XML parser
int xml_get_error_code ( resource parser)| get XML parser error code
bool xml_parse ( resource parser, string data [, bool is_final])| start parsing an XML document
int xml_parse_into_struct ( resource parser, string data, array &values [, array &index])| Parse XML data into an array structure
resource xml_parser_create ( [string encoding])| create an XML parser
resource xml_parser_create_ns ( [string encoding [, string separator]])| Create an XML parser with namespace support
bool xml_parser_free ( resource parser)| Free an XML parser
mixed xml_parser_get_option ( resource parser, int option)| get options from an XML parser
bool xml_parser_set_option ( resource parser, int option, mixed value)| set options in an XML parser
bool xml_set_character_data_handler ( resource parser, callback handler)| set up character data handler
bool xml_set_default_handler ( resource parser, callback handler)| set up default handler
bool xml_set_element_handler ( resource parser, callback start_element_handler, callback end_element_handler)| set up start and end element handlers
bool xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler ( resource pind, callback handler)| Set up character data handler
bool xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler ( resource parser, callback handler)| set up external entity reference handler
bool xml_set_notation_decl_handler ( resource parser, callback handler)| set up notation declaration handler
void xml_set_object ( resource parser, object object)| Use XML Parser within an object
bool xml_set_processing_instruction_handler ( resource parser, callback handler)| Set up processing instruction (PI) handler
bool xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler ( resource pind, callback hdl)| Set up character data handler
bool xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler ( resource parser, callback handler)| Set up unparsed entity declaration handler
array xmlrpc_decode ( string xml [, string encoding])| Decodes XML into native PHP types
array xmlrpc_decode_request ( string xml, string method [, string encoding])| Decodes XML into native PHP types
string xmlrpc_encode ( mixed value)| Generates XML for a PHP value
string xmlrpc_encode_request ( string method, mixed params)| Generates XML for a method request
string xmlrpc_get_type ( mixed value)| Gets xmlrpc type for a PHP value. Especially useful for base64 and datetime strings
array xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions ( string xml)| Decodes XML into a list of method descriptions
int xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data ( resource server, array desc)| Adds introspection documentation
mixed xmlrpc_server_call_method ( resource server, string xml, mixed user_data [, array output_options])| Parses XML requests and call methods
resource xmlrpc_server_create ( void )| Creates an xmlrpc server
void xmlrpc_server_destroy ( resource server)| Destroys server resources
bool xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback ( resource server, string function)| Register a PHP function to generate documentation
bool xmlrpc_server_register_method ( resource server, string method_name, string function)| Register a PHP function to resource method matching method_name
bool xmlrpc_set_type ( string value, string type)| Sets xmlrpc type, base64 or datetime, for a PHP string value
array xpath_eval ( object xpath context, string xpath expression [, object contextnode])| Evaluates the XPath Location Path in the given string
array xpath_eval_expression ( object xpath_context)| Evaluates the XPath Location Path in the given string
object xpath_new_context ( object dom document)| Creates new xpath context
int xptr_eval ( [object xpath_context, string eval_str])| Evaluate the XPtr Location Path in the given string
string xptr_new_context ( [object doc_handle])| Create new XPath Context
resource xslt_create ( void )| Create a new XSLT processor
int xslt_errno ( resource xh)| Returns an error number
mixed xslt_error ( resource xh)| Returns an error string